Kelly is celebrating wedding parties today and I'm going to celebrate mine! You all have heard a time or two about how special my friends are to me, so it should come as no surprise that they made my day by standing by my side as I said my vows. When I said my vows to David they vowed to pray for us as a couple, pray for me as a wife and to hold me to the standards of a Christian wife and friend. I know I can always count on them for wise counsel, a shoulder to cry on and a good laugh! I love you all!
As for our ceremony, it was so special and I hope it glorified the Lord. That was our goal. My best friend Liz's grandmother played the piano beautifully both before the ceremony and during the ceremony. We chose a few hymns for her to play as the guests were entering and then she got hyped during our final selection and started off our worship in the most wonderful way. She played "We are Standing on Holy Ground" and the stage was set. "You raise me up" was my choice for the seating of the grandparents and parents. I'm not sure there are words more appropriate for our families. We would not be where we are without them. After David and I said our vows "The Prayer" was sung beautifully and we still pray that prayer today. While we were so excited to be married we were thankful to the One who brought us to that point.

Hail hail the gang's all here!
Us, our wedding party, house party and ushers.

My girls during the dress rehearsal. Aren't they gorgeous? From L-R:
Kate ~ My sister-in-law
Kristen ~ My MOH and Sister
Allison ~ College roomie and sorority sister
Liz ~ College roomie and sorority sister
Robyn ~ College roomie and sorority sister (see a theme here??)
Courtney ~ College roomie and sorority sister
Hartley ~ precious flower girl and Dave's best friend's daughter
Meredith ~ College roomie and sorority sister

The big day! Time for makeup! (They were also calling me down from the ledge after my dreadful hair went nothing like the hair "dress rehearsal")

MOH: My sister, Kristen and my Best Man: My brother, Taylor

Dave and his best gal: his sister, Kate

Some of my girls hanging out during pictures

I didn't really do flowers. I had very few flowers and tons of candles! I wanted the romantic light and feel. It was beautiful!

And look at this precious little one watching the guests arrive!

Here we go! My mom made the two large wreaths on the church doors. I loved it!
And like I mentioned in my other post about the wedding, my brother and sister stood by my side and Dave's dad and sister stood by his side. I loved that personal touch!
Look how cute they are! (My brother and sister)

Miss Hartley and her uncle Dave. Precious flower girl!
I hope you enjoyed seeing my beautiful wedding party! They made that day special along with many others!
"Don't urge me to leave you or to turn back from you. Where you go I will go, and where you stay I will stay. Your people will be my people and your God my God. Where you die I will die, and there I will be buried. May the LORD deal with me, be it ever so severely, if anything but death separates you and me." ~ Ruth 1:16-17