Friday night I woke up around 1:30 in the morning needing to go to the restroom. I don't even think I completely woke up, but I stumbled into the restroom to do my thing. I must insert here that we have a little potty room within our bathroom, so you go into a TINY little nook with just a toilet and it has it's own door. Usually when I have to get up in the night to use the restroom I go into the tiny room and close the door before I turn on the light so it won't wake Dave up. So, back to the I go into the tiny room, close the door, flip on the light, sit down on the toilet and I see something about 1 FOOT away from me staring straight at me with it's beady little honestly took me about 2 seconds to realize that it was in fact real and not a dream and that I was one-on-one with a SQUIRREL in my bathroom!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

At that point, I really woke up. And I started hearing what I was saying and I started wondering if there really was a squirrel in the bathroom because let's be honest....what are the odds?? I tiptoed back over to the bathroom, looked behind the door and there she was....and she wasn't small people! At this point I looked for Rookie to make sure he didn't get in on the action, and he was just laying on the bed...hadn't moved a muscle. He was shooting us the death stare for waking him from his slumber. Some guard dog!
We put him outside and went into problem solving mode. There was a freaking squirrel in our bathroom! So we got Rookie's crate and were trying to figure out how on earth we were going to coerce a squirrel into a dog crate. I started Googleing how to catch a squirrel and all of the answers weren't comforting when it was telling us to put peanut butter in our trap and give it 4-5 days. But each commentary told us that squirrels could be aggressive, very quick, and many carry rabies. Noted.
In the end, we settled on Animal Control which opened at 8am on Saturday morning. By this time it was 2:30. We decided to secure the borders and go sleep in the guest bedroom. Needless to say, we didn't get much sleep knowing we had a huge squirrel probably chewing through our walls downstairs.

It was pretty crazy and I honestly don't know when I'll get the image of flipping on the light and having a SQUIRREL staring me straight in the eyes out of my head. I had to take some pictures so you guys would believe me! I hope you enjoy your holiday guests and I hope they are all there by invitation!!
Me: "Some guard dog you are! There was a squirrel 20 feet away and you were sleeping like a baby!"
Dave: "Yeah Bear! Are you just eye candy?"
PS...that picture of the squirrel was taken at about 7:30am on Saturday before Animal Control came. When I first saw her, she was in another corner of the bathroom facing me with her tail up behind her. Literally about 1 foot away from me. I can only imagine that that is what it must feel like when you hallucinate something. Because since I was half asleep, it took me a minute to realize that it really was real. It looked so real, but I was thinking, "Is that a squirrel?" But yep, it was real!
OH my gosh!!!! This is crazy! I would have completely flipped out too!! I'm so glad you are ok and that the problem has been solved :) I'm glad we've found each others blogs! :)
Wow - that is the craziest story! I can't even imagine how freaked out you must have been to see a squirrel in your bathroom. Insane. Glad you got the critter out!
oh my goodness!! So crazy!! ha!
OMG I think that would be my undoing! A mouse fell down our chimney and came into the den one night during a storm and I was calling everyone I could thinking crying to get them to come over and help me!
Thanks for stopping by my blog! I love your blog as well! I love this story. This is so something that would happen to me! I am now a follower!
OMG!!how funny! I totally would have freaked out!!
ohmygosh! SO glad you got photos.. hilarious, girlie! I bet that little squirrel was freaking out! So glad they let him go outside. :) You crack me up-I talk in my sleep too so Eric would definitely not believe me at first.. hah.. Glad you found where your furry friend got in so he doesnt come back to join Christmas dinner or anything... :)
I just threw up in my mouth -- GROSS!!!! haha, this is a story for sure!!
Oh my gosh I just got squirmy! I think I would have died!
(shudder)- I loathe rodents
OH MY!!!! THATS CraZY!!! A story you will NEVER forget ha!
I gave your blog an award! Congrats!!
un-freaking-believable!!! I don't think I could have slept for a week!
oh no! i would freak out. so glad you got the problem taken care of.
No way!!!! I would have lost it!!!!!! I read this post to Jordan and I thought he was going to throw up! He HATES squirrels. Like, you have no idea. :):) Glad your visitor is gone!!! :)
OMG that is crazy!! I would have FLIPPED out!!!
That is NUTS! I would have completely freaked out, and it makes me really nervous thinking that when I go to the bathroom at night I don't even turn the light on! Yikes.
Glad it didn't attack you! :)
OH.MY.GOSH!!! I'm so glad that you are alive! Seriously, I think that if that happened to me, I would have had a heart attack. I always close the door before I turn on the light too and I have irrational fears so I always think that a mouse is in the bathroom or freddy kreuger is behind the shower curtain, I cannot imagine how scared you were!! p.s. I love your little doggie, how cute is he?! Although clearly not a good squirrel catcher :)
LOL! I think I died a little laughing at this post! I would have FREAKED!
glad to know you got rid of it though!!! She was probably just as scared!!! lol HOW UNREAL!!! I think I would have screamed bloody murder if that happened at my house. Sorry to laugh at your pain, but that is a great story!!
OMGosh. This made me SNORT! Glad everything is ok....they can cause some serious damage!
Merry Christmas!
OMG! I'm dying laughing picturing this! So funny!
OMG, I would have freaked right out! Too crazy!
I saw your tweet about this and I laughed so hard! I'm so glad you are okay though and they got it taken care of. I would have screamed bloody murder!
Wow, that isn't something that happens everyday! I would have freaked out! And my dog would have gone CRAZY. He is a squirrel hunter extraordinaire!
That is cracking me up! I probably would have gone into labor! I remember when we had a bird in our house....that was a mess!!! I also had squirrels in my attack..but was able to scare them out through the garage attic entrance! I have to I can only imagine your face! Also..can you think of the poor squirrel! You probably had him TERRIFIED!! Probably a good thing Rookie did not get in engaged..that would have been more of a mess and I bet $ the squirrel would still be missing in your house somewhere! Happy Holidays!
Oh my gosh, that is hysterical!! I totally would have flipped out if that happened to me. What a memorable story!! :)
L.O.L!! AWESOME story.
Oh my goodness! That is too crazy! Glad you are now squirrel-free in your home :)
crazy story, but a good laugh!
Oh my gosh, I just read this post and I am in complete awe. WOW, that is one thing I have not heard before! You are one brave woman!!
Ah! I can't imagine finding one in the bathroom at night!! We found a family of four squirrels up in our attic yesterday! We scared them away and covered how they got in but I've heard them scampering around on the roof all morning. It's been a pain dealing with them but I can't imagine discovering them like you did! Glad it all worked out!
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