This year was no exception. The chosen color was black, and even though (as we point out EVERY year) we are all creeping alarming closer to 30 and have no desire to dress alike, it is a losing battle. In her defense, it is her card and her picture to blow up above the mantle, but in our defense it goes out to a lot of people WE KNOW TOO.
We all know I have a black turtleneck (or 4) for just such an occasion, but Dave only has one lonely black item in his closet and it is short sleeved. Mom pulled out one of her button downs and offered it to Dave but he kindly declined. Apparently she had made a call to Nana informing her of our wardrobe woes and she came down in due time with a MOCK turtleneck for him from her closet. He gave that the kindest capital "H" no he could muster. In his defense, I do think it was 80 degrees, but now we'll know to find something black and long sleeved for him for future family portraits. :)
When all was said and done we made Danny Tanner (A.K.A mom) very happy. She was pleased with the way the pictures turned out and one will be appearing on our mantle before assured.
Here is a sneak peak of some of the photos because I know you are dying to see! Because Nana came down with her mock turtleneck we put it to good use and took a "girls" picture. And the last one is the picture I used for our Christmas card! (Which many of you will be getting alarmingly close to Christmas since I just ordered them on Saturday...oops!)

those are super cute pictures!! your mom does crack me up!! but one day you will look back and cherish them all!! and are'll probably do the same thing!
That is just too funny. I would definitely be the one in my family begging everyone to take a family picture. I'm always asking them to get out of their pajamas on Christmas so we can take a picture. It never works. Maybe when I have my own kids and they have to listen to me. haha
Hahahah! Mental image of your husband and a mock turtleneck!!! THat is so funny! The pictures do look great though!
Those are great pictures!
Your pic with Dave is SO cute! Though, I would have DIED to see him in a mock turtleneck. Died, I tell you.
Cute pictures! I am a big picture person and Christmas card person myself...To cute!!
You have a beautiful family! Cute blog too :))
I'll have to tell John you found my blog! Small world!
The picture came out great, though! Everyone looks good in black. (So maybe your mom knows what she's doing after all! :)
Those are great pictures!! And I love the Danny Tanner reference. :)
Fabulous pictures....and a great blog...Your pictures are great...Visit my holiday blog for new tree pictures and my main blog for a MIRACLE story...
LOL... PLEASE get a pick of Dave in a mock turtle neck. I'm with Liz... I would just die. :):) LOVE the one of you two!!!
That's awesome. I want a family like that.
My boyfriend and I have been wanting to take Christmas photos wearing matching ugly holiday sweaters to send to our friends, maybe this year will be the year.
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