Fabulous Find Friday is posted below, I just had to get in on this kitchen action! Kelly over at Kelly's Korner posted pictures of her lovely kitchen today and asked for others to do the same and share their kitchen with the blog world. I started looking at all of the fun pictures that people posted and remembered taking pictures when we first moved into our house. I decided I too should pay my respects to my kitchen that has probably been the most used room in our house. Since the living room is right off of the kitchen, we use this area the majority of the hours that we spend at home. Welcome!

The main event. I love the big island! It is great for food preparation, grocery bags, mail when I come in each day, decorations for holidays....it's a jack of all trades.

I also love the windows by my sink. There is a bush right outside this window that grows those pretty yellow flowers you see in my vase. Thank you, Spring!

I also enjoy the window in the nook over on the right. Rookie plays in the dirt right outside that window and I can see him being a turd while I'm in the kitchen. :)

Finally, this is our breakfast nook off the kitchen. It's an open room looking out onto the backyard.
Come on over!!
I love the window behind the sink area!!! Looks great!!
Thanks for the tour...a beautiful kitchen you have!!
You have a beautiful kitchen....especially the HUGE island. I would love to have one like that!!
P.S. Click the "LillySue" link at Kelly's and come visit my kitchen!
love you kitchen. Where did you get the dish towel holder?
Thanks for stopping by everyone! Mrs. JKPeterson, I got the dish towel holder at Hobby Lobby. They have a ton of iron holders.
Have a great day!
I love the window behind the sink and your curtains. Very nice. Thanks!
great kitchen. I love the space behind your sink in the window area, what a nice littel decorative area. The wine rack above the ovens are great as well! thanks for sharing!
I love the window behind the sink, a window like that is on my wish list for our kitchen redo some day!
Fun pot rack!
Your kitchen is very inviting!! Love it!! P.S. I read some of your recent posts... hilarious! I will be dropping back in!
Found your blog through Kelly! SO CUTE! love your kitchen and style. I did the komen walk a while back too as well. It's great youwill rock it! :) Have a wonderful day and <3 it! :0
What a fantastic light fixture over the island!
Very nice! I love your curtains *poof*!
Hi sweetie, LOVE YOUR KITCHEN!!!! I found your blog through a friend and I hope it's ok if I follow you!!!!
Your kitchen is beautiful!! I love it all and the window area behind your sink! So cute!! Your curtains are so pretty!
Your kitchen is REALLY pretty - I love those curtains!
Thanks for sharing!
I found your blog on Kelly's. Your kitchen is gorgeous!!
So beautiful. I love your kitchen. The cabinets are a great color. The island is great too.
I love our towel holder!! and your curtains give me inspiration! Thank you for opening up your home.
I could hang out in your kitchen. Love the big shelf and window behind the sink. My plants would love that.
What a beautifully decorated kitchen!! I am almost embarrassed by mine!! Oh well! One day I will have my dream kitchen
God Bless!!
Very pretty kitchen! Found you thru Kelly's blog. Thanks for sharing!
Blessings, Angie Seaman
www.angelicagracedesigns.com/blog/ (blog)
www.angelicagracedesigns.com (website)
www.angieseamanphotography.blogspot.com/ (photography blog)
Your kitchen is beautiful!
Thanks for sharing your kitchen, its simply beautiful! I love your window treatments.
I absolutely love your kitchen! I love every single detail! Just beautiful! :)
Gorgeous kitchen - where did you get the curtains?
I love your curtains. Where did you get them?
Your kitchen is so homey...love the lighting. Thanks for the tour!
Hi Tanya, You asked about my curtains....the fabric came from a local store called Cowgirls and Lace and the curtains were made. They actually go up and down so I can let them down for privacy if I like, but I leave them up most of the time because I like the light. Have a great day!
You have a beautiful kitchen. What color did you use on the walls?
Love your kitchen! I'm getting new counters and backsplash this week... can't wait!
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