**UPDATE: Photos are added! There are several. :)
I don't even know where to begin. I've been gone for 3.5 days without access to the Internet, and while it felt really good I also felt really behind. I know that I failed you miserably on Friday and I'm sorry. I had a FABULOUS post in mind with great gifts for Mother's Day but I simply ran out of time to post it before I left, and as I've mentioned before I have no portable Internet device. I am still kickin' it old school with a desktop computer and a simple flip phone. No e-mail, no Twitter updates, no Fabulous Find Friday....It's like I don't even exist. But I do exist. I'm back from a "crazy good" weekend in the Big Easy and I'm ready to tell all!
We set out at 8:00am on Friday morning...me, Dave, mom and dad, armed with breakfast tacos, about 8 DVDs, a radar detector and Diet Coke. We made a few potty stops, discussed all the remaining contestants on DWTS, expressed our disdain for bumper stickers, people driving under the speed limit in the fast lane, and gas station restrooms, and solved most of the world's problems by the time we got to Houston. With 5 hours left in our journey mom and I decided to watch SATC the Movie. I had never seen the movie.... Before you all strike me off of your "friends" list citing irreconcilable differences, please hear me out....I never meant for this to happen. I never meant to get this far down the road and never have seen the movie. When it came out in theatres there were really good reasons why I couldn't go see it and I can't remember any of them now, but at the time they were really good. Then, it came out on DVD and for one reason or another I hadn't bought it and sat and watched it. To be fair I haven't seen ANY movies lately. Slumdog was another one that I saw on the car trip! We finally hit New Orleans, made a pit stop at the Fox and the Hound to refuel and then hit the field.
It was a great night at the ball field. The weather was amazing and we sat in really great seats straight up from the 3rd base coach about 3 rows up. Mom sang an amazing rendition of "We Will Rock You" sung as a soprano and made complete with a vibrato during the phrase "totally defeat you." After the pitcher came on hard times Taylor went to the bullpen and we got really excited we were going to see him pitch! Well, we were all really excited mixed with a bit of nerves but that's only because relief pitchers generally come in in times of trouble. This was no exception and Taylor put out the fire with a strike out. (I'm allowed to brag....he's my baby brother!) He came in the next inning and continued to pitch well. We were thrilled to see him pitch in person since we're normally watching on a computer screen 550 miles away! It set the tone for a great weekend.
Saturday we had lunch at our favorite pizza place in the Big Easy, Reginelli's, and then headed out to the field. We sweat off about 5 lbs in the 95 degree heat and then got to meet up with Taylor after the game for a tour of the field and the locker room. We tried to get mom to run the bases and slide at home but she graciously declined. After dinner, the boys hit up the casino and Taylor managed to win over $200. I am convinced the boy has a horseshoe firmly implanted up his hind quarters. Nevertheless, he is an impressive individual.

Yesterday was Mother's Day and we had so much fun at the baseball game. Mom got to throw out the first pitch along with the other players' mothers. They gave her one of Taylor's jersey's when we got there and I got some awesome pictures of them together! Not that you really care, but I can't wait to share them with you! I took most of them with her camera, so I will upload them tonight (hopefully) and add them to the blog. It was so cute to see them standing side by side, and at the risk of being totally cheesy and sentimental, it was really a special day. Mom threw a perfect strike! (or it was high and outside, but who's counting?)
A few practice tosses....
Go time! They are #34 in the video below...

Game time!
Kids getting autographs after the game! I LOVE this! Too cute.

Some post game family shots....We missed Kristen!!!
When all was said and done, I hated to leave! Mostly because of the 8 hour (which turned into 10 hours...) drive ahead, but also because I always have so much fun seeing Taylor. We headed home, hit insane traffic outside of Beaumont where we sat still for about an hour, and finally hit the driveway around 1:30am.....I'm SO ready for bed tonight!
And not to be forgotten, my precious mom. Happy Mother's day mom! I'm so glad I could celebrate you yesterday and everyday. I hope you had fun, felt honored, and cherished. We love you, we thank you for all that you do for each one of us, and we thank you for raising us in a home where Christ is celebrated and loved. You are an amazing woman!
I'll leave you with some quotes from the weekend:
"Yeah, Taylor put a butter knife in Mohl's carry on, but we decided to text him and tell him before he hit security." ~ Taylor's roomies telling us of one of his MANY escapades. This one involving a butter knife, a carry on, LAX and a COACH. I thought it was hilarious, mom decided she's better off NOT knowing...."These are crazy good!" ~ Mom, while polishing off her margarita from Superior Grill
"It's almost Christmas!" ~ Mom, (in a whisper) AFTER her margarita from Superior Grill as we were driving down St. charles. We informed her it is in fact NOT almost Christmas, and it's actually closer to LAST Christmas rather than THIS Christmas.
"Yeah, Josh Hamilton is playing this weekend in Round Rock since he is rehabbing." ~ me
"Cool! Are you guys going to go see him??" ~ Preston
"Really??" ~my answer. Considering we were sitting in his living room approximately 550 miles away from the game currently being played.
"Did anyone win anything?" ~Me to Dave
"Your dad's down, I broke even, Petiton won about $20, your brother won about $220, and Preston needs to sell another chair!"
"I don't understand how he can sit out in this sun all day with no shirt on!" ~Mom's ONE observation when this guy walked by.