Monday, July 13, 2009

I wondered when that would happen....

How many of you have read a random person's blog? Random being someone you do not know. Ok, thank you ALL for raising your hand. It's just too easy. You're reading a friend's blog and you click on one of their links and you read that person's blog, then you click on one of their links and before you know it you're 6 blogs deep and reading about someone 8 states away and what they did this weekend. I've been there, done that, and I've wondered before how bizarre it would be if I actually ran into someone I didn't know but felt like I did.

Well my friends, that happened this weekend! My sister and I were having lunch in Dallas yesterday before heading home and this woman and her husband walked in. I knew that I knew her immediately and started trying to place her. Did I know her from college? Was she in my sorority? Was she a friend of a friend....then it hit me. NO. I don't know her (although I feel like I do...) I have just READ HER BLOG before. At that point I realized just how crazy/creepy this whole thing is. I mean, it is so bizarre to think that I recognized this person and she had no idea! Has that ever happened to you??

Maybe I'll check her blog later today to see if she mentions her fabulous Sunday lunch....


kristin fulghum said...

that is hilarious. i stalk a girl's blog that i found through a friend. she lives in florida. one day she was visiting our mutual friend and i ran into her at church. i had to fess up to the fact that i stalked her blog. it was funny though because i kind of felt like i was meeting a celebrity. i freaked out a little bit when i recognized her.

Leslee said...

I'm wondering when this will happen to me too. I stalk a lot of peoples blogs. lol But I'm on the opposite end too. There are people out there reading mine that I had NO CLUE that were reading it & told me...."oh I've read such & such on your blog". I was like what?? lol

Kara said...

That never happens to me up here in the middle of nowhere :) I would love it to happen though.

I would love to think we are all blog stalkers :)

ps - whose blog was it?

katie newton said...

"Blog hopping" is a serious addiction that can only be fed by hopping from one strangers blog to the next... searching for who knows what. :):):

LOL... love your post!!! I stalk Big Mama's blog and read that she was recently in CS just hanging out at the pool and stuff. Had I KNOWN this, I would have made a drop-in. Real casually. :):)

Elicia said...

Too funny that you ran into someone. I find myself blog hopping too!

Tim and Jessica said...

I thought I was the only one that did that! lol .. Thanks for the post :)