When we walk in the Komen 3-Day, we will be walking for each and every one of them!

Our 2009 Race for the Cure Banner, Austin, TX
Our 2009 Race for the Cure Banner, Austin, TX
This is the new paint
The only casualty of war: Rookie is going green!
Notice how much better the desk looks painted black
I put the deer head back up...we do live in Texas.
PS...Dave was SHOCKED and he loves it! What do you think??
Here are some links so you can play:
"The only thing that separates us from the animals is our ability to accessorize." ~ Clairee, Steel Magnolias
I WILL be making this again. I was even able to give Rookie his pill this morning in 2.5 seconds just by hiding it in a spoonfull of this yummy goodness! It usually takes me about 45 minutes, I try hiding it in EVERYTHING I know to hide it in, he eats the food and manages to spit out the pill, I end up in a full on sweat shoving it down his throat like the good little dog mom that I am. Thank you Magnolia!
I've got a golden ticket...
The Music Masters at work
Tiny Dancer
We Didn't Start the Fire
Yes, we're tourists. I'm not sure why I'm standing so weird.
Sugar Bliss. The strawberry cupcake was to-die-for! I loved that they had the little baby ones. It didn't make me feel so bad when I had TWO!
In these next few shots I think I'm a photographer....indulge me.
I love this one...
Lunch at Minnie's in Lincoln Park. Everything was Mini and it was SO cute! These are our shakes. We laughed SO hard at the thought of my dad and brother eating/drinking here. As Kristen said, "Taylor would look like Buddy the Elf!"
Happy St. Patrick's Day! The parade was in Chicago on Saturday and they dyed the river green.
Our trip to the Navy Pier.
A beautiful church we passed on the way to Bloomingdale's. I'm not sure the name of it, but it was gorgeous!
Arriving in NYC! This was the tag that came out on mom's suitcase! Background: Kristen asked us to bring large suitcases to help her move a few things home. Well, Mom brought this huge, ugly, HEAVY suitcase, but SHE filled it! It was 54 pounds and the American Airlines people were nice enough to only charge her for the 50 lb bag. We were standing in the terminal taking things OUT of her bag and putting it into Nana's bag to make it lighter. When we got to NYC we laughed so hard when her bag came out marked "HEAVY! Please bend at the knees."
If I'm lyin' I'm dyin'. The cab dropped us off on Kristen's street corner at 10:55pm and mom and Nana made a bee-line to Magnolia Bakery before they closed to get our first round of cupcakes NYC style. Kristen and I were left on the corner to guard the bags. Pathetic. We know.
Mom and her Cruella De Ville sweater. We passed a shop that had her twin in the window!
Dennis Rodman's look-a-like skating in Central Park.
The precious Boathouse from 27 Dresses. Or from Central Park, however you associate it. :)
Traveling buddies
The early morning crew waiting standby for Regis and Kelli. We didn't get in, but we got free coffee, bagels, hot chocolate and a Regis and Drew Carey sighting. Not all was lost.
Shrek the musical. Very funny.
A little trip to Coney Island. We all virtually got frost bite, but it was fun!
Everything was closed down, but we had fun walking the pier. I hope someone cleans the area up and really revitalizes CI. It's has major potential.
Dear Mr. Trump,
Since I know you're an avid reader of "Life is Glam and Fab", could you please take pity on Coney Island and make it pretty again?
My life on the D-List: Celebrity sightings....
Sam Champion. Weatherman extraordinaire! He was so cute and very nice. Mom: "Austin, Texas LOVES you!!"
Drew Carey. He was on Regis and Kelli and we saw him going into the studio. Kristen literally RAN to catch up with him and got him to take a photo with us. It's on her camera. :)
Michelle Aguilar. Winner of Biggest Loser Families. I didn't get a pic with her because she was on my plane to Austin yesterday. It was going to be really hard and awkward and I wasn't in the weird-and-awkward-but-worth-it mood.
And finally, as promised, the first thing(s) to touch my lips once I was back on Texas soil. God Bless Texas.