Monday, January 12, 2009

Loco in the Cabeza...

I must be nuts. Today is D-day...P90X baby. Dave got this insane workout DVD set for Christmas and the time has come for us to begin. The dumb-bells, resistance bands, pull-up bar and workout mats have been bought and we are ready to go. This morning, Dave asked "What do you want to throw up later?" I guess that was his clever way of asking what I wanted him to pack me for lunch. Does he think that's encouraging me to want to do this?

I know I have a long way to go....20-30 lbs to be exact. I say 20-30 because 30 would be my ultimate goal/satisfaction. However, 20 lbs gets me to my wedding weight (I didn't lose for my wedding. That has just always been my healthy/normal weight) and back into ALL of the clothes in my closet. I would be content with 20 lbs, but why not shoot for the moon! :) This will not be easy, and I know that. Tony Horton is geared up to kick my ace and I think I'm geared up for Tony. Wish me luck!


Abby said...

Good luck! We have the P90X.....we started it out, and I lasted, oh two days! Jay just started it back up this morning. Get ready!

lesli said...

Oh girl good for you for taking the plunge! You know I have your back so when you need to gripe, complain, cry and rejoice I'll be here for you! You'll be there in no time! You and I have the same goal:)

Laura said...

YOU can do it!! Shane and I have our own little competition going...yes a little "Biggest Loser Moore-style!" I hope I beat him....LOL! Good luck and hang in there! It takes 2-3 weeks to develop a habit! Go Tiff Go!

kate mendenhall said...

And I am sure he thought he was soooo funny asking what you wanted to throw up later. With his little chuckle at the end.