Wednesday, April 28, 2010

She Works Hard for Her Money....

I Wish I could go back to the "good ole days" when I worked ONE day a week for manicure money, and I use the term "worked" loosely. As I manned a beauty salon and boutique on Saturdays for 6 hours....

In 1998 B.C. (Before CHI) the only thing I had to control my crazy hair was my round brush. And to give credit where credit's due, it was the most revolutionary product I owned until that fateful birthday when I received....the CHI! Life, as I knew it, would be forever changed and more than just myself and my hair could fit through one doorway.

I owe the round brush much of my high school experience and I wouldn't have met that brush if it weren't for my very valuable employment at Sudz & Sass in Marlow, Oklahoma. It was my very first paying job (besides babysitting...I was a pro babysitter) and by "paying" I mean I almost paid them to work there. I think I made about $160/month, and I'll be sure to tell my kids that "in those days" that would pay for gas and then some!

Don't you worry that "Sudz & Sass" was a small salon with a makeup station, clothing, and a license to sell Brighton. Rest assured "employee discount" and "Brighton" were used in the same sentence a time or two by my mother....

I digress....Sudz & Sass was good to me. I got prom hair, lots of lazy Saturdays spent watching college football and doing my own makeup, and discount products out of the deal. The prom hair would have made it worth it, but they showed appreciation with a dab of blush from the makeup station. Judging by my prom picks they needed to throw in a little mascara!

Since the days in a salon I have worked as a summer camp counselor, been a nanny, worked at Foley's for much longer than I care to admit, worked at a daycare center, worked in patient records at an orthopedic surgeon's office, had a horrifying interview for a "marketing poisition" (that needs a post all to itself), had a "real" job out of college with Bank of America, and now I have been a meeting/conference planner for a non-profit association for 3 years.

I guess time flies when you're having fun!


Susannah said...

Ha! I love the BC reference-

Is a Chi REALLY worth it and that awesome? I have a thirty dollar one that seems fine.........

Just wondering.

jackie fo said...

Funny post Tiffany. Susannah, to answer your question. YOU NEED A CHI. THE CHI IS LIFE CHANGING. I am a HUGE advocate of buying things on sale, finding good deals, etc. But a CHI is worth spending money on. It will last for years and will kick your thirty dollar straightner's ass. You will be like "How did I ever live without you CHI?" I promise. Buy one off E-Bay, they have a CHI store. You can get it for about $100.

Suburban Princess said...

I need to get one of those one day a week jobs too! I used to work a little bit before my son was born but not since.

katie newton said...

OK, so I loved this post... until you reminded me about the horrific "marketing job" interview.. do you remember... I have the EXACT same story!?!?!?! I was fresh out of college, ready to be a big marketing gal, and somehow I ended up in the slums of San Antonio selling yellow pages ads. Ahhhh, good times. :):):)

jmh said...

Long time reader, think you're great:). Would LOVE to hear the Marketing Interview/Job story. Cheers!!

Shelby Bukhenik said...

Working at a salon in high school must have been so fun!

melissa said...

I so know what you mean about B.C. I look at pictures that are B.C. and cringe. Have you found that your Chi's don't last very long? It seems I go through one every year and a half. I'd like something that lasts a little longer. I hate to say it, but I'm thinking about changing brands. I've heard good things about the GHD.

Samantha said...

Totally funny post! I think you just got yourself a new follower :-)

Kelsey @ Seattle Smith's said...

I need to hear more about your Foley's days :)

The Undomestic Mom said...

I worked at a salon in high school too and we sold Brighton! I think I overused my discount on Brighton and Bed Head products!

Unknown said...

i was always so jealous of your big full hair and your HUGE round brush!!! i used to tell all of my sorority sisters that i knew this girl who would brag about how long she could go between hair washes and her hair still looked phenominal. me and this horrid thin hair!!!!