Thursday, April 29, 2010

Interview/Day from H-E-DOUBLE-HOCKEY-STICKS...

I eluded to my interview from H-E-L-L yesterday and said it deserves a post all of it's own. A few of you asked for more details because why wouldn't you all want to relive my misery?? I'll be the entertainment. What's new?

I really thought I had already told the story so I looked under my label "I Can't Make This Stuff Up" and sure enough, there she was in all of her detailed glory. So if you care to relive my day spent canvasing South East Austin, In AUGUST, in a black suite and high heels selling PIZZA coupons door-to-door feel free to click here. You're welcome.

And for the record, I'm not sure I ever told y'all the result of my hair dilemma....THANK YOU for weighing in on my many, many hairstyles. The majority vote was to keep my hair just below my shoulders with some layers and side-swept bangs like, "The picture of you and the girl in the wedding dress." So I am going to make an appointment and get some layers and get some of this weight off but keep the length. Thanks, girls!


Susannah said...

Haha! I remember that interview story and was laughing my butt off!!!

Amanda Leigh said...

Your way of telling that story was HILARIOUS. But the story itself... not so much! That was so horrbile! And I never actually got stuck into a situation THAT awful, but some of those companies that post jobs on the college career site are so BOGUS. I had one company ask me what my parents did for a living, and then took a picture of me!

Jamie Pickle said...

Okay the SAME thing happened to me here in California. And the SAME thing happened to my friend in Oregon. They have places all over the US doing this. I left at lunch though. I told them it wasn't for me and they all looked at me like I was CRAZY. I was wearing my expensive suit and high ass heals that gave me blisters if I stood too long let alone walked around selling crap to people who don't want it!

Lisa said...

thanks for leaving a comment on my blog. your blog is inspiring me to add tags and categorize it. i love your "I can't make this stuff up" category! Hilarious!