Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Wedding Crashers

This weekend we will have the privilege of watching Mary Lee and Richard tie the knot. They make a wonderful couple and I am really looking forward to celebrating with them as they make a lifelong commitment to one another. I've been thinking about what I will wear, who I will get to catch up with, who will take a cute picture of Dave and I so we can update our "couple" know, the usual thoughts before a "dress-up" event.

There was a time when we were wedding-goin' fools. It seemed like every third weekend there was a wedding. And every weekend in between there was a shower, couple's shower, bachelor/bachelorette party. Don't get me wrong, good times were had by all! We LOVED getting to see our friends on a very regular basis, but now we are on the slow-down. We haven't had any weddings yet this year, so it's time.

We have had some great times on each of our friends dime (or their wonderful father's! I can say that because you all partied on MY dad's dime too. We're even!!) and I have decided to share some of my favorite moments in wedding history. :)

Party pic at Clifton and Tess' wedding

This picture cracks me up! It is SO not Dave, but we were having fun. :)

Definitely one of my best memories!

The.Loj. Dancing with Daniel's tie.

Caught!! Mom. Upon news they had cut the cake at Meredith and Nick's wedding!

I wish this weren't so dark! Great friends after the Assunto's wedding.

The boys, kickin' at at Robyn and Cole's wedding.

Beat It.

There really is no explanation. We were taking pictures after Allison and Ryan's wedding and the boys got rowdy. Cole decided it would be a great idea to run and jump at James. James managed to turn and catch him mid-air. The next photo on my camera is of them both laying on the ground. Boys will be boys.

So here's to ML and Richard! We're looking forward to a great time!

"Jeremy: Rule #35: never commit to a relative unless you're absolutely positive they have a pulse.
John: Rule #15: give me an up-to-date family tree, that was your mistake. You just made me look like an idiot.
Jeremy: Rule #76: No excuses. Play like a champion!" ~ Wedding Crashers


Liz said...

Rule Number 5: You're an idiot.


I'm sad my wedding didn't make the top memories!! Probably because I wasn't in the mix of "wedding o' rama." But I do love me with the tie. That was quite a moment.

Unknown said...

Of course your wedding was a top memory! BUT, there were no digital cameras in 2003. :) So alas, I would have to SCAN pictures to add any of that fun.