Tuesday, November 25, 2008
UMM....Sign me up for one of these please!
Monday, November 24, 2008
We're Normal...
Now, before you all FREAK out that I just admitted that we don't do turkey, take 3 deep breaths and count to 10. We have chicken and dressing...it's still a type of bird! Don't count us out, we do the green bean casserole, mashed potatoes, pies, etc etc. We're pretty legit on everything else except the turkey. Dave about died the first Thanksgiving when we sat down to the table and he didn't see the turkey....oops! I guess I omitted that information because it didn't seem weird to me.
Thanksgiving is such a wonderful time with family though! I always look forward to it. One of our pre-Thanksgiving traditions is going to eat Mexican food when everyone gets into town. We are a queso and enchilada loving family. We know we won't see anything but dressing and giblet gravy for 3 days, so we hit the sauce (hot sauce that is!) and begin the holiday fan-fare. Another family tradition is bowling. We always bowl on Thanksgiving night. Nothing else is open and we have watched football and eaten all day. We need to get out before we go stir crazy!! What better way to get a little family friendly competition going but to hit the local lanes?? We also throw up nana's Christmas lights at halftime of the Cowboy's game. Literally, Taylor, Dave, Dad and papa (as the supervisor) head outside as the teams head to the locker room and garland and lights go flying into place. By kickoff of the second half Nana and Papa's house is ready for carolers!
I can't wait for Taylor and Kristen to hit town! I miss them both so much and look forward to the holidays! I hope you and your family have a fabulous turkey day!!
Friday, November 21, 2008
Fabulous Find Friday!
This dress is so cute and classy! Very feminine.
This cute little number is from the GAP and you know it was love at first sight for me with those ruffles! (But please don't stand like this at your party!!)

This dress is so fun and can be worn again and again!
Classy and elegant, this dress would be perfect for any Christmas party and it could double as the perfect little number for your Christmas Eve service at church
This is the perfect outfit for your office party. I love the tuxedo look! I'm not crazy about the shoe pairing, but I know they're in....
So cute and so red! This dress is Jackie O meets Angelina Jolie...sexy and sophisticated! No worries...if black is your signature color, it comes in black too!
I.LOVE.THIS.DRESS. This is the type of dress that "that girl" would have the guts to wear and I would think all night about how adorable she looks in it! You could be THAT GIRL!
I can't wait to hear about what you choose for your parties. Be sure and send your fancy party pics my way!
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Dear lady in line in front of me at Hobby Lobby....
I'm so glad you are crafty but I am not thrilled that you were right in front of me in line. You turned and looked at me, I smiled, you smiled, you noticed that I had ONE THING in my hand, you turned and continued putting your little pic things one-at-a-time onto the counter. I could have paid and been gone like lightening before you got all your butterflies out of your basket. There is no "10-items-or-less" express lane at Hobby Lobby. In fact, at any given time there are only 2 checkers all under the age of 16. So survey the area and let homegirl with one measly picture frame move on about her day. But I'm not bitter. Nope. I only wish I could see the fruits of your labor with those butterfly thingies.
Until we met again....
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Happy Birthday Teeny!

Three Generations

Love you Nana!!
Monday, November 17, 2008
Where you been girl??

Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Wedding Crashers
There was a time when we were wedding-goin' fools. It seemed like every third weekend there was a wedding. And every weekend in between there was a shower, couple's shower, bachelor/bachelorette party. Don't get me wrong, good times were had by all! We LOVED getting to see our friends on a very regular basis, but now we are on the slow-down. We haven't had any weddings yet this year, so it's time.
We have had some great times on each of our friends dime (or their wonderful father's! I can say that because you all partied on MY dad's dime too. We're even!!) and I have decided to share some of my favorite moments in wedding history. :)
Party pic at Clifton and Tess' wedding
This picture cracks me up! It is SO not Dave, but we were having fun. :)
Definitely one of my best memories!
The.Loj. Dancing with Daniel's tie.
Caught!! Mom. Upon news they had cut the cake at Meredith and Nick's wedding!
I wish this weren't so dark! Great friends after the Assunto's wedding.
The boys, kickin' at at Robyn and Cole's wedding.
Beat It.
There really is no explanation. We were taking pictures after Allison and Ryan's wedding and the boys got rowdy. Cole decided it would be a great idea to run and jump at James. James managed to turn and catch him mid-air. The next photo on my camera is of them both laying on the ground. Boys will be boys.
So here's to ML and Richard! We're looking forward to a great time!
"Jeremy: Rule #35: never commit to a relative unless you're absolutely positive they have a pulse.
John: Rule #15: give me an up-to-date family tree, that was your mistake. You just made me look like an idiot.
Jeremy: Rule #76: No excuses. Play like a champion!" ~ Wedding Crashers
Monday, November 10, 2008
UPDATES: Lucky Boots, Pet Costume Contest, Wurstfest, etc..

My little pumpkin
We had a precious little girl come to the door dressed as Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz. I asked her if she wanted me to take off Rookie's pumpkin costume and she could take him with her as her Todo...She actually turned and asked her mom if it would be ok. I learned that children are VERY literal. :)
I digress...
This weekend we went to New Braunfels for Claudia's birthday, and we had a wonderful dinner to celebrate on Friday night. Saturday, we took full advantage of one of our favorite New Braunfels traditions....the Ten Day Salute to Sausage. Otherwise known as...Wusrtfest. Mom, Dad, and Cathy came to NB and we had a great time! I'm pretty sure the list of foods consumed includes, but not limited to: Sausage balls, pizza (mom...who gets pizza at Wurstfest, seriously?), Gumbo, Pork-chop on a stick, Potato pancakes, Sweet potato fries, fried pickles and funnel cakes....plural! All topped off by a ferris wheel ride. Good times.

The birthday girl (my mother-in-law, Claudia) and I on the ferris wheel
Cathy and mom with the Opa and Oma :) (Dave's parents)
Friday, November 7, 2008
I can't make this stuff up....

So I pull into work and begin looking at his tags. He had a vet tag, so thank goodness he doesn't have rabies. He also had a "lost tag" with an ID number. He did not have a personal tag with his name, owner's names, or a phone number. I'm still thinking the lost tag is better than nothing. So I call the lost number, get an answering machine....of course....and I leave his ID number and my contact info. Well buddy, you're going to work today! So into the office we go. He comes in, sits down, obeys commands, and then just lays down by my desk. But then....the scratching starts. Upon closer inspection, he has fleas!! And he has hot spots where he has scratched so hard....you can't stay at work with me. Of course. I am not an animal shelter girl. I avoid PetSmart at ALL costs on the weekends because I want to take all of the dogs home that need to be adopted. I am a dog LOVER. But his fleas can't stay at TASBO while waiting for the "lost people" to come pick him up.
So I called Town Lake Animal Shelter, gave them the WHOLE story, and they were so nice and told me to bring him over, that they would bathe him and treat him for the fleas and feed him. With the lost tag and the fact that he is so well mannered, I do think he is someones pet and hopefully someone is looking for him. It could be that he has been lost for a while and has gotten fleas from being out and about.
So, I load him back up into my car (I make that sound easy....he got away from me while trying to get him into the car and I chased him around the apartment complex that is near my office in a full on PANIC...I know he must have been so scared as to what was going on) and I take him to the TLAS. Upon arriving at the shelter, I break out into tears. Why does this always happen?? I was distraught over leaving him. Did I mention how sweet he was?? So they promised to try to locate his owners and if not... Rookie might have a big brother by Monday.....

Homeboy kickin' it at TASBO

Tuesday, November 4, 2008
November 4th, 2008

I get a little thrill out of voting ON election day. I'm not going to lie that I skipped early voting only because we moved at the beginning of September and had to acquire new voter's registration cards. When they came they were only valid beginning November 4th....had they been valid October 25th-ish...you can bet your bottom dollar I would have early voted, but alas, here we are and it's election day 2008.
I woke up early, brushed my teeth, put my makeup on, and picked out an outfit that would go well with my "I VOTED" sticker. The polling place is right around the corner from our house, so Dave and I got there around 6:45. We literally had perfect timing by about 30 seconds. No lie cars started pouring into the parking lot and the line was getting pretty long. Once the voting began at 7am it only took us about 10 minutes and we had cast our votes and were on our merry way. I feel very patriotic at the present and although the election seems all but decided, I have to feel that my vote counts! So, it is cast.
Dave swears he wrote in HIS name for president so it would show up on the voting roll, but I know he's too chicken. Can you even imagine it?? Rookie in the White House!
You also have to love the volunteer working the voting booth who brought a book.....did she think she would have down time? Be bored? Good luck with that! It's Election Day! Go vote! :)
Monday, November 3, 2008
Team Zsa Zsa 2008!

Over 25,000 people walked in the Austin Susan G. Komen RFC!
My Cup Runneth Over...Thank you!