I've created a monster. And I take full responsibility for it. I have a total and complete diva dog, but honestly, how could it have been avoided?
You see, I got my little, precious, funny,
totally entitled Rook man when I was single, (Dave and I were dating, but I mean that I was living alone, unmarried, etc.) so it was just the 2 of us. We did what we wanted, ate what we wanted when we wanted, watched whatever we wanted on TV and most importantly....the bed was all ours. This is when I made the fatal mistake. I let Rookie sleep with me. I know what you're saying, "how much room can a Yorkie take up in bed?" Well, he is a big Yorkie. He is about 15 lbs and he sleeps horizontal, on his back, arms up in the air, head on a pillow on our feather bed covered with a down comforter. Most of the time. Other times he snuggles up right next to me with his head on the pillow. Either way, he's livin' the life of Riley and would flip his lid if someone told him he's a DOG!

He'll sleep right in between Dave and I and sometimes I find myself waking up in the middle of the night with no covers and sleeping on an inch of the edge of the bed only to look over and see that Rookie has completely
dominated and is in my spot. Last night was no exception. I had taken him out for about a 2 mile walk and he was just exhausted. We got ready for bed and when I walked in the bedroom he was laying on my side, with the covers over him and his head on the pillow. I got in bed and literally pushed him out of the way and he was none too thrilled. He laid right next to me in between Dave and I and rolled over so we could pet his stomach. When Dave leaned over to kiss me goodnight I guess he was cramping Rookie's style because he let out a low growl.
I guess he was just lettin' us know who's boss.Do you have a diva in your house?
O.M.G. do we!!!!! You know that Blazer lives a life of luxury. We have a temperpedic mattress, and Blaer will go so far as to push aside the sheets and comfortor to sleep directly on the mattress. As Brent says, "He really likes temper material".
oh my gosh-he is adorable!! :) i have two shih tzus that are spoiled rotten :) Thanks for checking out my blog girl!! i look forward to reading more about your fun life! :)
Spoiled LB, isn't he?
haha I know the feeling!!! We spoiled our pup and he is ALL over our bed!!
Hahahaha! I totally understand! We have a spoiled kitty that sleeps with us. The sad thing is when you are laying in bed completely cramped and uncomfortable because you don't want to have to wake up the cat to move them. :)
You know lil' Jake Jake is SUPER spoiled. I too am ALWAYS amazed how a 10 lb dog can push me off the bed!! I hate to say my lab is getting JUST as spoiled! ;) Give Rook a squeeze for me!
oh no! i refuse to let lucy sleep in our bed. just won't have it...but i have only recently become a dog lover. sleeping in our room was good enough for me.
I'd like to start a petition to refer to him as a diveaux, since he's a boy. Thoughts?
WE have a diva! I would say that Rookie & Bella would get along great and be BFF's, except that Bella doesn't have friends - she only has frienemies. Yes, she is that bad! She and Sully both sleep with us. There was a running joke about who was going to lift her on and off our bed once Bishop was born since I'd be busy...but I STILL do it - every time!
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