Have you seen it before? It's CRAZY! These moms are crazy! They are like the Texas Cheerleader mom on steroids! Do y'all know who the Texas cheerleader mom is? She's the lady who tried to put a hit on one of her daughter's classmates and the classmate's mom so her daughter would have a better shot at making cheerleader. You think I'm kidding...When Holly Hunter plays you in the made for TV movie we're talking true story. Any who...these toddler mom's are complete Texas Cheerleader moms. One of the women last night said she has probably spent $35 THOUSAND dollars on pageants in the last 6 months!!! What in the world! Dave would have me in a straight jacket!
Watching these little girls put on fake hair, "flippers" (fake teeth), get SPRAY TANS, wear fake eyelashes...it's just too much! It is beyond bizarre.

*PS...don't forget to get your party planning blogs together for tomorrow! Recipes, decorating ideas, party games, etc. It doesn't have to be super bowl related. A commenter said she is throwing a Valentine's party! We would love to hear your ideas!!
OMG! how funny! I have totally watched this show!! nutcases!!
PS: also loved the Texas Cheerleader movie! I was a cheerleader in HS and always thought OMG!!
I'm with you and I am a former pageant girl I competed in pageants in college for scholarship money but I so don't understand these little girls mothers investing all that money and the little girls don't even seem interested call me crazy but if your kid is crying she's probably not happy.
Horribly horribly disturbing. I can't even watch that stuff it makes me so angry and sad at the same time. Shudder...
Anyway, I'm so excited about your party post tomorrow! I'm not having any parties any time soon, but always loving recipes and decorating ideas!
Oh yea, it's pretty bad. I've watched the show a few times and the parents always seem to be more into it than the kids themselves. Have you seen Little Miss Sunshine? It's the best anti-pageant in a cute way movie!
I too have wondered wtf is wrong with these mothers- and there is no question in the case of the chunky/homely moms that they are living through their daughters!
Dezzy ~ all those moms looked a mess! I swear I know that geisha's (Bella) mom, but I can't put my finger on it!
After you tweeted last night I checked it out. SOOO nuts! Do you think those moms watch and think they are crazy or do they think they are normal? Those little girls look so creepy and what about that male judge! ha!
your blog is adorably hilarious. i'm SO glad you commented on mine so i could find it! you have a new follower. and i LOVE your sweet puppy with the ball twice his size in his mouth ...
I hate to judge, but the pageant parents on that show are disturbed. What would make you do that to your child?!?! Insane.
Looking forward to your party planning post!
Oh I have seen this a few times adn it is STRANGE. Like, how are these dads letting their wives spend all of this money to dress up their living DOLLS?!? It is not normal...poor kids!
holy smokes, I laugh every time I see the previews. I feel so bad for those little girls, you can't tell me they like it. One little girl cried the ENTIRE time during her spray tan.
Bizarre is a great way to describe it!
Oh wow I've seen a few episodes of this shows and I just have to say that this show, the daughters, the moms, everything flat out scares me. These little girls don't need to be wearing makeup and getting dressed in thousand dollar clothes. Funny post.
You are Spot on! Yet it is Sooo entertaining! How can I not watch-its addicting:0) I mean I can barely afford a $40 spray tan once a month-why do these little girls get them each weekend???!!
It's embarassing, but I'm kinda addicted to Little Miss Perfect and Toddlers in Tiaras. On Little Miss Perfect, it's always the same crazy pageant director who is waaaay too intense. What did people do before reality tv??
Thank you for stopping by my blog!
I thought I'd jump on over to your and very nice here!!
I lovce your cute dog and cat :)
Have a great evening :)
The fake teeth KILL me.
That show is crazy! Texas Cheerleader moms are pretty crazy too!
Ohhhh yikes....
Let me preface this by saying I am not against pageants. I think they can teach leadership, communication and obviously offer great scholarship opportunities. BUT this show goes against absolutely everything I want to teach my future daughter about self-image. Why can't we just let these young girls compete against each other with their NATURAL BEAUTY. Why is that not enough? Why do we have to spray tan our toddlers? And fake teeth...that is freaking beyong my comprehension. A woman has more time in her life to take charge of the changes in her appearance when she is grown...as long as my daughter is in my house it is all natural. And I will spend my days telling her that that is enough and she is beautiful just the way she is!!
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