I have to tell you guys....I am in so deep! Three of my best friends that I see at least once every 2 weeks if not more often are pregnant! It wasn't 8 months ago that we were sipping Mango Mama's, or whatever that guy called them, on the beaches of Mexico and now we're in high gear planning baby showers and picking out nursery themes! I love it! Now that we know we have one girl on our hands I am in full shopping mode. I can't stop looking for precious outfits (and I don't have to look far!) and thinking of how darling she'll be when she's hangin' out with the girls. :) I can't wait to find out what the other 2 are having!
In my quest for great baby gifts and cute party planning ideas I have turned, once again, to etsy. I don't really think you can go wrong when you have so much to choose from. I found these precious blankets that would be a great compliment to any shower gift.

And my complete weakness...clothing for little people! I know the pillowcase dresses are not a new concept and there are millions of sellers on etsy, but I found a few that are just too cute not to share. Looking for the perfect Easter dress for your little one? I think I've found it for under $30!

The ones below are from this seller...

Can you tell I'm ready for all things Spring?? Have a great weekend!!
PS...did anyone watch figure skating last night? Did you cry for almost an hour like I did because you were so happy for Joannie, the figure skater from Canada who lost her mom unexpectedly 2 days before her first skate in the Olympics? I literally stayed up until the end of the medal ceremony just because I wanted to see her dad when she got her bronze medal. What a hard time for them but what a huge blessing for her to win bronze and have that joy in the midst of such sadness. What am I going to do when the Olympics are over??
Isn't it crazy how one day you're sharing cocktails with your girlfriends and the next they are all making babies?!?! I love it too, though I'm jealous that you have a baby girl to shop for. We have 3 boys right now. I'm dying to buy flowered headbands & dresses.
And those pillowcase dresses are so stinkin' cute. I think I kinda want the second and fifth dresses for myself. Perhaps they make big girl pillowcase dresses? haha. Thanks for the great finds!
Ooh I just love those dresses for little girls! I don't have kids or nieces/nephews of my own but my boyfriend has the most precious little niece and I love shopping for outfits for her! So cute!
omg! THREE friends? at once?
Maybe its time you thought about adding one!! =)
Oh goodness. Babies. Tiny baby clothes.
I am completely in love with the navy and white printed dress with the orange ribbon.
P.S. The blue cheese burgers were fantastic!
LOVE all this baby loveliness! everyone i KNOW is preggo or just popped out a kiddo so i TOO am overcome with baby cuteness!
OBSESSED with the dresses!!! Too cute!!!
such cute stuff!!!!
All of those things are so so cute!
all this stuff is SO stinkin' cute! you are going to have to quit posting baby girl stuff or i will be broke trying to dress my 2!
Super cute dresses, and you've probably noticed but I'm a sling mama. They are a lifesaver!!!
I am not a mom yet either and have not ever been sure if I was for the slings, but I think these are WAY cute!!! Love those blankets too! Looks so comfy, I want one! ha ha
Thank you so much for the comment...I LOVE comments! I have looked at the etsy blanket site and am now in love. Have to go shop. =)
I love love love the dresses. They are too cute! I'm currently still in the everyone is planning a wedding phase but I'm sure in a couple of years everyone will be having babies at the same time. Isn't it crazy how it all happens at the same time?!?
I know that girl modeling the camo sling! hah So funny, what a small world!
I think I kinda want the second and fifth dresses for myself. Perhaps they make big girl pillowcase dresses? haha. Thanks for the great finds!
party video
First of all, thank you so much for the comment you left on my blog about my friend's mom. It meant to much to me! :o) Also, I, too, have been shopping for lots of baby gifts for friends...all are having girls, and I LOVE the blankets you posted. I am thinking about getting one for my husband's cousin who is due in May. Love your blog & thanks again!
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