Can you tell I'm ready for all things Spring?? Have a great weekend!!
PS...did anyone watch figure skating last night? Did you cry for almost an hour like I did because you were so happy for Joannie, the figure skater from Canada who lost her mom unexpectedly 2 days before her first skate in the Olympics? I literally stayed up until the end of the medal ceremony just because I wanted to see her dad when she got her bronze medal. What a hard time for them but what a huge blessing for her to win bronze and have that joy in the midst of such sadness. What am I going to do when the Olympics are over??
Look at her face! Y'all know she loves leopard print!
This one is hard to explain, but ever since she was a little girl, she twirls her hair. She twirls it every night before bed, when she is relaxing, when she is tired...she does it subconsciously. One day she looked up from her chair and she had been twirling her hair and she said, "Oh my. I'm not going to be able to twirl my hair!" Her friends know her all too well and Deborah brought her a piece of twirling hair that fastens to a scarf or bandana! ha!
Look at all of these fabulous hats and scarves!
The party crew! Her wonderful friends. (PS....it was on a Saturday before the Texas football game and most of these women have season tickets. They aren't just crazy Longhorn fans! ha!)
Thank you to all who came on short notice on an October Saturday. You were part of God's perfect blessing to my mom and our entire family.
Dave throwing snow balls at Rookie. He was trying to catch them in his mouth!
And let me tell you, he does not usually (read: NEVER) do things like this. Which is why it was so very special to me. I may or may not have cried.
He is a good man.
And please don't let this alarm you... I don't have a complex and really question if he loves those things more than me...it's just our inside joke! Have fun making your own! It's addicting!
Bradley (because I can't keep up the charade of calling her Allison) made some crazy crawfish stuff that everyone loved (you guys know I don't eat this stuff...) and she really outdid herself with a homemade King Cake that was SO stinkin' good! And because she forgot the baby, she gets to do it again next year. :)
We had so much fun and we were all glued to the game. Lots of times I don't really care who is in the Super Bowl, but this year I was really interested in the game. I watched the entire game, National Anthem to final interview and I have a few observations...
And then...my favorite part of the night....
It was at this point that my ovaries started burning....
Getty Images
I mean....are you kidding me? Adorable and priceless moment doesn't even begin to cover it. I'm so happy for Drew Brees, the New Orleans Saints, and the entire city of New Orleans. Enjoy your moment!
I hope you all had fun last night no matter where you were or who you were cheering for! A special thank you to those of you who participated in my "Super Hostess" Giveaway. You all gave me some great ideas and some great recipes. Thank you! I entered everyone into a random drawing using Random.Org and the winner was entry #1! Sandra from Celebrate Everyday! Sandra, e-mail me at lifeisglamandfab@gmail.com to give me your address so I can send you your goodies!
True Random Number ServiceRandom Integer Generator
Here are your random numbers:
Timestamp: 2010-02-08 16:04:08 UTC
The next dip...I don't even know what to call it. Maybe Yummy Goodness?? - Another crowd pleaser!
Corn Dip- This is my old faithful. Super easy and I usually have the ingredients on hand in a pinch
And don't forget the Taco Salads! (Click for the full recipe) You could do the corn and black bean salsa, queso, whatever floats your boat for apps and then serve the taco salads in a buffet line. You'll make new friends and keep the old with this one!
Now that we've conquered the food fun, let's talk about the actual party. It's always nice when you can throw a great party but not totally break the bank! Here are some great table/centerpiece ideas (some could be used for super bowl Sunday and some for any other Sunday!) and I just LOVE the idea of using leaves as coasters. I always trim greenery off my trees and bushes and fill the vases around my house.
I hope you are looking forward to your next get together! I'd love to hear your ideas! Food, decorations, great serving ideas, etc. Just link to your blog below and you'll be automatically entered in my "SUPER HOSTESS" giveaway! The winner will get some adorable PJs and my current favorite OPI nail polish. The winner will be announced Monday, so check back!
My brother torching his dessert