Our brilliant idea to join cake decorating 101 at the local Michael's has proved to be....well, interesting. Last week was our first week and we watched intently as our instructor evened out her cake with perfection and iced it with the "crumb layer" and then her double layer with not a crumb in sight. Our charge for this week was to bring our own cake, bring a double batch of homemade icing and our "course 1" kit complete with piping bags and tips and be ready to rock'n roll. I would be going to cake decorating straight from work so I had to bring my cake and icing and store it in the break room and put sticky notes warning the loss of limbs if either were touched! Thankfully my co-workers showed fantastic self-control and off I went to make my masterpiece.
Don't you worry that I was standing in line at 6:29pm paying for my "course 1" kit when Bradley ran by, cake in hand, towards the decorating aisle to purchase her kit with the words, "I don't even have icing!!" shouting from her lips. WHAT? You don't have icing? I would say that is the single most important ingredient in cake decorating. I mean, even without a cake she could have come and practiced on a card board box, but no icing? Luckily Michael's sells it in a can so she was good to go.
I'll just throw out that the following things may or may not have happened during our 2 hour session:
- Teacher's Pet: She.Had.Everything. in a little kit and was totally prepared. The water bottle to perfectly smooth the icing, the Pringle's can to fill her piping bag, extra bowls. Needless to say her and Bradley were BFF because Bradley had none of the above. :)
- Bradley may or may not have completely colored her hands red with her food coloring. As a side note: no one else seemed to have this problem. In fact, I used yellow food coloring and I didn't have so much as a drip of icing on me. I'm just sayin....
- She also might have impressed us all with her tie-die icing because she failed to clean out her piping bag before putting in her red icing.
- Out of 9 people we may or may not have been the last 2 people in the room and we may or may not have actually closed Michael's down.
- I stopped by my parent's house on the way home to pick up Rookie's medicine that my mom stopped by and got from the vet today and I showed her my cake. I had my leftover icing in my piping bag with my cake because we ran out of time to clean everything out and mom may or may not have eaten some of the icing straight out of the piping bag. Waste not want not...

hahaha, i love this!!
THAT IS AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!
Your cake is too cute! Love it.
That is awesome!!! I love the last one of your mom!! Hysterical. And your cake looks lovely dahling! I totally need to take that class.
In defense of this horrible pic with no make up and hair going every which way...can I say that I almost died from a heatstroke today playing tennis. I had a migraine all day! I did notice however that I managed to be photographed in my hoop earrings..does that count?
LOVE IT! Please keep us updated on your progress! The cakes look great and it looks like your homework must be pretty tasty...
Wow, Daniel. You've really outdone yourself. The cakes look great...Allison, I love the red jazz hands ;)
This is just classic. All of it. If only the Loj was there...
so fun! a friend and i took a cake decorating class. we are both pretty crafty and we absolutely sucked. we are convinced it's because we had a bad teacher. she hated us because we didn't want to learn how to make icing roses.
Lol, that pic of your mom is CLASSIC!
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