Friday, August 7, 2009

Fabulous Find Friday!

Vacations are winding down, kids are getting restless and Sears has started their annual hard core campaign to outfit the masses. I remember clearly this time of year when I was a child. I was overly dramatic wondering which teacher I would get. We all knew the teacher everyone wanted and that usually meant I would have the other teacher. On a certain date and time about one week before school started we would all go up to the elementary school and the class lists would be posted on the doors of the school. We would go to the all-star-teacher's roster and look frantically for my name. When we didn't see it we would obviously think we just read the list to fast and go immediately back to the "R" section of the class list. No dice. Once we found my name and I knew my fate for the following 9 months I would get my school supply list and off we went.

I would beg my parents for a Trapper Keeper and they would insist I would be just fine with a regular binder. I would probably start pouting and explain to them they were most certainly ruining my reputation and thereby most certainly ruining my entire life. You know when you just NEED items like locker mirrors, folder tabs and desk organizers? The thought of the latest and greatest organizational products just grips you and won't let you go? Well, some things never change. I might not be embarking on those pivotal middle school years but I still love a good browse down the "supplies" aisle. Here are a few of my favorite "back to school" things...

Sharpie Pens. Can't.Live.Without.Them. Amen. I've been a huge fan of Sharpie for years and years now, but they have straight up struck gold with the Sharpie Pen. I always wrote with the fine tip Sharpies but just hated that they would bleed through my calendar and checkbook. What a joy kill! But some Sharpie genius has saved the day with the new pens. They write amazing, they don't bleed through...they honestly make my handwriting better. It's pretty much a miracle worker. My only suggestion to the sharpie people....please oh please make them in all of the great colors you make the fine tip ones with. Like that fun green and hot pink. Maybe even a great turquoise blue....I'll loveyoulongtime.
Next are these utterly fantastic file folders. If these don't say sassy then I don't know what does. How great is this bulletin board? It would look great in a home office and would also be a perfect gift for college girls. I L.O.V.E. these paperclips! The bees are my favorite!

Have y'all found anything that I must have? Do share!

Also, just in time for back to school check out this blog for a fun giveaway! Chapters


Chopsticks and Pearls said...

$52 for a tin of paper clips....James.Would.Die. hahaha. Love the bulletin board. I've wanted one for a while.

Suburban prep said...

If you can go to this site there is a coupon for Sharpies.

Unknown said...

Pearls...he spends that on a round of golf on a Saturday! It's a splurge for sure, but I'd say it could be justified.

And Suburban Prep...thanks so much for the coupon!!

Kubin's said...

Hey there! Thanks for stopping by. I loved the resort! I would recommend it to anyone and I can't wait to go back.

Kate said...

When back to school shopping for my classroom, I made SURE to get some sharpie pens!! Thanks for the recommendation! I love pens!