Here's how it will work: I've asked him a series of questions that I will reveal about Aaron. If you have a special lady that you would like to set Aaron up with let a girl know! Just e-mail me at and please include information about who you would like to set Aaron up with. Like where she (or you :) are from, what hobbies, interests, must haves/have nots you are looking for in a guy, etc. I really, truly would like to make a good match here. And, YOU might be that special lady that would like a date with Aaron. I can promise you that I know him VERY well, he wouldn't hurt a fly, this is a no-risk situation and worst case scenario you'll at least get a nice evening out of it. Best case scenario I'm losing weight for a wedding!
Without further ado....let's meet our bachelor!
*Editor's Note: My notes are in green. Some of it needed additional commentary!

Age: 29
Height: 5'9
Where did you go to college: THE University of Texas
Where do you live: Katy, TX
What do you do for a living: Commercial Real Estate
What physical qualities are you attracted to: A great smile.
What’s an ideal date night: Dinner, something fun and interactive like mini-golf and maybe end the night with a drink somewhere
What is an ideal Saturday morning like: Sleeping in
What religion are you: I'm a Christian
What’s your favorite meal: A rib eye, garlic mashed potatoes and a glass of Shiraz
Favorite movie: The Departed
Favorite band: Cory Morrow
If you could go anywhere on vacation, where would you go: I want to go anywhere I've never been. Preferable a beach with a cold drink.
What are your hobbies: Texas Longhorn Football, Golfing, hunting
How would your friends describe you: Loyal, laid back, easy going, happy, Generous. Would give you the shirt off his back.
If you could pick out certain personalities traits in a girl, what would you choose: A girl who would feel comfortable having a nice dinner with the President on Friday night, would have a blast at a football game on Saturday and enjoy chilling out on Sunday. (His point was a go-with the flow kinda girl who would be comfortable and have a good time doing any of the above....he has season tickets to UT football, so if you don't want to go with him, I will. :)
Do you want children: Yes
If so, how many: More than 1 and less than 20. I'm pretty open to discussion.
Matchmaker, matchmaker make me a match...find me a find...catch me a catch!
Ok ladies! Shoot me a comment or e-mail and let's make a match!!