I didn't realize that I never shared P&C's nursery with y'all. I have had a few photos here and there that have shown the babies in their room so a few people have asked me for more photos and where some of their items are from. So, 10 months later...here we go!
The babies share a nursery so I wanted it to be gender neutral. Their room doesn't get a ton of natural light so I knew I wanted it to be light and airy. I started by choosing a crib and glider and then went from there. I really thought that I would get white or wrought iron cribs but the store had their cribs on display and I really fell in love with the grey. Instead, I choose all white bedding.
Many of the accents in their room were gifts or were mine or Dave's, so it's all very special. Their room is one of my favorite rooms in the house. It's the most prayed over, the little people that sleep there are the most prayed over, and it's just sweet. Come on in!
This is looking into the room from the doorway. Below is the opposite view- standing by the cribs looking across the room.
The rattles hanging on the door where made by my sweet friends as decoration for their baby shower and they hung on the hospital door when the babies were born. I've just left them out because they're so cute.
Their crib bedding was on ridiculous sale at Restoration Hardware and I love the simplicity of it.
Everything on their shelves were gifts and are so special.
When the babies were born my brother was in the middle of his baseball season. He didn't get to meet the babies until they were about 6 months old, but he sent Parker this baseball. I love it so much and I know he will too! I know Uncle T will teach him all of his mad skills!
I found this little poem at an antique mall and I just fell in LOVE with it!! It is just the sweetest thing in the world and I knew I wanted it in their room.
I absolutely cannot believe the babies who were 14 days old in these photos will soon be 1!
These books were given to the babies by my mother-in-law. They were all David's grandmother's and it's so precious to see her name, dates, and even address written inside in her pen. I especially love the Bobsey Twins book :) The photo is the day we brought P home from the hospital and the day these two were reunited! The shoe was David's. It has his name and birthdate.

I got the print on ETSY, the lamb was a gift from a dear family friend and the teacup...My mom always says, "my cup runneth over". She collects teacups and we tend to get teacups from special places. I went on a girl's trip with my mom and Nana shortly after my Papa passed away. Which was also following a failed fertility treatment. I was in a very down time in my life and the trip was a much needed getaway. God used that time in my life to work in my heart and I became pregnant a few months later. This teacup is from a little store in Carmel. My mom bought it for me and it is a reminder of that time in my life, that special trip, and the way God moved in my life.
Right outside the nursery is a little reading nook. It was wasted space at the top of the stairs for the years we have lived here. It's now the perfect little spot for my little people. My dad hung these shelves from IKEA, many of the books were gifts and many I have picked up along the way. I love reading to P&C.
And finally, these little Golden Books....My mom and sister threw me the most precious and personal baby shower. Everyone "signed in" in one of these books and wrote a special note to P&C or to me and Dave. I love reading these books to the babies and reading them the notes from people who love them so and prayed for them.
And that, my friends, is the tour of P&C's spot. Lots of treasures for our little loves. Thanks for stopping in!