My parents either A) had a slight chemical imbalance when I was growing up or B) loved me so dearly they just went with the flow. I was a very social child and I always wanted to have someone come play, spend the night and go with us wherever we were going. I always got to invite friends to Six Flags, have friends sit with me in church while we played M*A*S*H to find out if we would live in a shack or a mansion. And would we be married to the cutest boy in our 4th grade class or Jonathan Taylor Thomas, who was obviously the cutest boy in the world! Oh to be 11 again....
But as I look back I can easily say that my mom and dad were close to saints! They let me have girlfriends "spend the night" all the time. And we rarely* slept. We ate like we hadn't had a meal in days, we giggled, we ran and ran through the house, we listened to New Kids on The Block at very loud decimals, we whispered and told stories, we thought we were so funny, we braided each other's hair, and we played games.
And isn't it strange that no matter where we grew up, we all played the same games? How does that happen?? How did we ALL played Miss Mary Mack on the playground? How do we all know that she had buttons all down her back, back, back and that she asked her mother, mother, mother for 50 cents, cents, cents to see the elephants, elephants, elephants jump over the fence, fence, fence?

Oh to be young again...then again our grown up slumber parties aren't half last slumber party involved vino, amazing green chile chicken enchiladas, queso, a full dance party and a poor attempt to learn the parts of "Beat It" we don't know. And just to think...2 of my friends already know they are having girls! ha! Good luck James and Ryan!
*In my mind I am a legend, so we probably slept more than I think. An hour seemed like eternity, so we were probably in bed by 11pm and I thought we had pulled an all-nighter. But either way we were up late and we were NOT quiet!
I think grown up sleep overs are just as fun! And we don't have the parents nagging at us to "go to bed girls!"
you brought back so many fabulous memories!! I feel like we had the exact same childhood :) so funny.
This brought back so many memories for me! Slumber parties were the best. I definitely remember light as a feather, stiff as a board. Oh and we could never get enough of Truth or Dare!
holy cow. i think we had the same childhood. of course we're both texas girls :) i got in SO much trouble for believing in bloody mary, my dad FORCED me to do it to prove to me it was real and i cried and CRIED because i was SURE she was going to come out of the mirror and kill me! ha!!! now i want to have a slumber party again ... i'll have to kick the mister out soon and partake in another trip down little girl memory lane :) mine ALSO included setting up barbie houses and playing barbies ALL. NIGHT. LONG.!!! loved this post!!!
Oh, I love slumber parties!! I even made my bridesmaids throw me a slumber party for my bachelorette party instead of going out. Complete with junk food, Dirty Dancing on TV, and sleeping bags!
How cute! I still love girls weekends so we can have a slumber party!
You pretty much described my life from about 2nd-6th grade...GOOD TIMES!
OMG!!!! I SO LOVED playing M.A.S.H.!!!! And...I totally put JTT as a choice EVERYtime! HA! cute post...oh the good times : )
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