Last week, M & I decided to eat lunch outside because it is so stinkin' gorgeous here right now. M also wanted to show me the "garden" that their librarian has inspired. They had a lifeless, pretty much dirt and gravel courtyard that their librarian decided to take ownership of. She bought flowers, herbs, vegetables, etc and let students in different grade levels join her in planting and caring for different items. I LOVE IT!!!!! I literally almost cried walking through the garden as I saw budding rose bushes, marigold, tomatoes planted by the little boy Dave mentors, lettuce, okra, name it, they were growing it! M was so excited to show me and we decided to come look every week and check the progress.
I'm so grateful for teachers, librarians, counselors, principles....anyone giving their time and energy to young people. They are so impressionable and I love this librarian's passion for creating something beautiful on their campus, inspiring them to make their school a better place to learn and play, and giving them ownership and pride in something that is "theirs".

In more trivial news...I must confess... I am completely, 100% hooked on Duck Dynasty. Bueller? Bueller? Is anyone else crazy enough to watch it? I have to say that I would have NEVER turned it on were it not for Dave, but I haven't laughed that hard in a LONG time! Tears were rolling down my cheeks. Don't knock it 'til you've tried it. :)
Also, I got my first sno-cone of the season last Sunday and it was divine. I've thought about it everyday since and I've dreaming of my next trip.
Obsessions...I busted a U-turn in the middle of my street when I was driving by my neighbor's garage sale and saw this globe sitting in the corner of the driveway. I think she was shocked that I about broke my neck and then asked about the was $3. Done and done. She asked me if I had kids because "all children need a globe!" No ma'am I don't, but when I do, they've now got themselves a globe!
My sister's final bridal shower was yesterday and she got some loot!! I'm gonna have to borrow from her! My MIL makes a mean chocolate chip cookie and my family loves them. So I passed the recipe on to my sister and made her a little "cookie basket". She got some dish towels, a cookie scoop, a Silpat baking mat, a cooling rack and the key ingredient...Ghirardelli chocolate chips. :) She had a great time and was a beautiful and gracious bride to be!
I love that you have been mentoring for so long. I'm sure that has made a big impact on her. Love that the librarian started a garden for the kids.
I am in love with that globe! For our playroom I've always wanted a world map for the entire wall but can't find one that is reasonable and large. Fun find! And it's so true about little girls. My own 5th grade girl came home in tears jsut last week because of something someone said about her not being best friends anymore. UGH! The drama! Be nice.
what a precious gift you are giving by being a mentor! I'm sure you're making an incredible impact!
Oh I remember how hard being a 5th grade girl was. Love that she has you to help her get through all those tough life lessons. I always wanted an older sister to coach me though the hard times, like you're doing. And that garden is just the most precious thing ever.
Ok, I need to find out what Duck Dynasty is.
cute cookie basket/recipe idea! I will have to use that...
I havent seen a globe like that in YEARS! Great find.
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