You're breakin' my heart. Could you please come down on your prices because I'm on a bit of a budget these days. Dave gets his panties in a wad if I want to spend half my monthly salary on a scarf. I don't see the problem because let's be is a fabulous scarf! But he seems to think it's a bit extravagant. The problem I'm facing is that the scarf I currently love to the core of my being would, in his mind, fall into the category of extravagant. Especially since we live in Texas and the "cold front" we've been expecting all week is only dropping us into the 80's. The scarf is more of an accessory than a necessity.
I'm also really loving a few other things and if I blow my piggy bank on the scarf that doesn't leave much room this coat, this jacket, and this cardi. Let's be honest, most of your new arrivals for Fall are just the cutest thing I've ever seen. So do us all a favor and put it all on early sale, ok? Much thanks!!
Tightwad in Texas

Oh! You have a love affair with ruffles too!! Siiiigh, all so lovely.
I love that blazer!! Can we cc jcrew on your letter?
LOVE it all, especially that scarf!! I am also loving ruffles this season - so fun!
I know! Their stuff is beautiful, but I could never spend that much on clothes. I'm loving the ruffle trenf this fall though!
I couldn't agree more!!! Their stuff is so beautiful and classy, but come on ... $100 for a SCARF!!!
Sigh! I love ruffles. And love anthropologie.
You are so funny!! And I couldn't agree more with your letter....we can dream, right?! I'm obsessssed with ruffles this season.
I bought a ruffle scarf this weekend at this place called "Charming Charlie's". It was $9. Not quite as cute as the one from Anthropology, but still cute. If you have a CC's check it out.
I fell in love with that scarf too! But, I can't justify spending that much! I found a tutorial online to make your own ruffle scarf. I don't know if you sew, but it seems pretty easy to just stitch the straight lines and it ruffles up! :) Post it if you do end up making one!
I saw a similar scarf at Charlotte Russe the other day.
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