So, the impending nuptials got me thinking about my favorites throughout the years. I have many! And I have to tell you, as I was thinking through them and finding photos I got a little teary eyed! I can remember sitting in my room, my dorm room, the TV room at the Pi Phi house, my couch two weeks ago...and watching moments of love between these "characters" that most certainly were real to me! I can't hardly think of any of these people outside of the realm of Joey, or Rachel, or Felicity, or...well, you'll see as my list unfolds.
In honor of Jim and Pam, here is a list (in no particular order) of some of my favorite TV romances. *All images via Google Images
We'll start with the happy couple: Jim and Pam- The Office

Joey and Pacey- Dawson's Creek

Sharon and Nick- The Young and the Restless
Meredith and McDreamy- Grey's Anatomy
Brenda and Dylan- 90210

Angela and Jordan- My So Called Life (They were THE couple during my teen years! I thought this show depicted reality so vividly when I was 14...)

And last but CERTAINLY not least.....
Carrie and Big- Sex and the City

Who would you add?
Omgosh! What a great post my heart is aching!! Joey and pacey!!
I was a big days of our lives watcher in undergrad! So I'd have to add belle and Shawn!
Can't wait for tonights office!
oh that gave me the chills seeing all my old friends!=)
i was out walking/running this morning and got mad at myself for not thinking of this sooner! i totally should have thrown a "reception" watching party for tonight! every time i hear that little moments speech from jim on the previews i get the tears! they are a GREAT couple. wish they were a real life couple!
OMG!!! We are kindred spirits!! I thought the same thing!! I was thinking I should have ordered a cake, we could have had punch...the whole bit. AND, I have been dying to throw a party where everyone wore old BM dresses that are just taking up space in their closet. This would have been perfect! I always have great ideas a day late and a dollar short!
Aww what great tv memories!
Awww. You have some good ones. I loved "My So-Called Life." Jared Leto was so good looking back in the day!
You KNOW I love me some Felicity. In fact, I feel like this was a quiet little shout out. Also note, I still have the final episode on TAPE.
rip VHS
rip Felicity
I have never really gotten into The Office. I don't know why? Maybe I will have to give it another try. But I have Ross and Rachel, and Meredith and McDreamy!
Jim and Pam are WAY better than any of the other TV couples EVER.
I liked Felicity and Noah but I agree with you about Pacey and Joey.
And I love Chuck and Blair from Gossip Girl and Lucas and Peyton from One Tree Hill (except for the last season).
AND I love two other Grey's couples... Owen and Christina and Lexie and Mark.
SO many TV couples I love. :)
I loved Kelly and Dylan WAYYYY more than Brenda and Dylan. :)
That's a great list! I'd add Rory and (I can't even think of his name at the moment, dangit!) from the Gilmore Girls. I LOVED that show in college!
Great post! I said "aw" out loud with Joey and Pacey! haha! :) And yeah.. Carrie and Big for sure! Ah, tv love..It keeps us tuning in that's for sure..esp when they FINALLY get together.
Oh my goodness - how much do I love this post!!! Great idea. So many great TV couples!
Thanks for stopping by my blog...I think your blog is super cute too!
Happy Jam Wedding Day!
what a fabulous post! these office wedding previews have been making me want to add it to our TV lineup... I think I'd add Zack & Kelly, Uncle Jesse & Aunt Becky, and DJ Tanner & Steve!
On the same line of thought as the previous Gilmore Girls post, I would add Luke and Lorelai and Rory and Logan from GG!
E and Sloan from Entourage...
Thanks for coming by my blog and for your sweet words!!
I would add Donna and David on 90210....I can still remember the final episode..ahhhh...
Buffy and Angel from BtVS!!
Scarlett and Rhett from Gone With the Wind.
Zack Morris & Kelly Kapowski!
And no "RIP" for Felicity and Ben...they live on in my DVD box sets for.ever.
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