Wednesday, October 26, 2011
Real Housewives of Austin, TX
Mrs.Bradley selected the menu and my job was simply to implement! I love easy jobs like that!
Bradley came in, we all shouted "surprise" and told her what she was in for and the first words out of mouth were, "I literally feel like the Real Housewives of Beverly Hills!"
We sure didn't feel like our normal Austin Housewife selves that night!
If I Were Ever to Leave Texas...
It is such a joy to me to be able to see Dave cherish the time spend with his grandad. We sure made the most of our short time there and I hope our next trip won't be 2 years in the making!
Me, Dave's granddad and Dave

The first day when we got there, we went to Dave's granddad's apartment to visit. We hadn't been there 30 minutes and he told us we were wasting a beautiful day! He took us out to Arrington Vineyard's to enjoy the weather and the beautiful view. Dave, Kate and I also enjoyed a wine tasting. :) When in Rome!
Kate (my SIL, Dave and their granddad)

On Sunday we went out to Gentry Farms. It's an absolutely adorable pumpkin farm with tons of activities for kids. You can pick your pumpkins from the hundreds they have available or you can go find your own and pick it off the vine.
L-R: My FIL Mark, my MIL Claudia, my SIL Kate, me and David

What a wonderful trip! I'm grateful for family time and the opportunity to hear all of the wonderful stories Dave's grandfather has to tell! I hope y'all had a great weekend too!
Sunday, October 16, 2011
It's all fun and games until someone's bleaching grout in the bathroom...
I've been completely out of control lately. Life has just been throwin' me Nolan-Ryan-Style fastballs and I'm standing in the batters box with the bat on my shoulder. It's tough to complain when my weekends have been spent in New York, in Dallas and soon to be spending my weekend in Nashville. It's just crazy because my weeknights fly by in a flash too. I have a women's Bible study one night, community group (group Bible study) one night, Dave has class one night, and then add in any other social obligations and before we know it our week nights and weekends are spent running 90 to nothin'.
It's lots of great stuff, don't get me wrong. But at some point (and that point, for me, was last Tuesday night...) it all becomes too much and I reached boiling point. Last Monday I finally had a night at home. My suitcase was still unpacked after my trip to NYC, the kitchen was a mess, the floor needed to be vacuumed and I was sitting on the couch, after making dinner, watching DWTS. I looked up and in the right corner of the living room I saw a cobweb. I literally had of energy to go clean it. So, I sat there and I finished watching the very sub-par talent on this season and then went to bed.
On Tuesday, I got a call from our fertility nurse that put me over the edge and I just started crying on the phone with her. That's when I realized I was out of control in more areas than just my messy house. It seemed like every aspect of my life was overwhelming & in complete chaos. I cried to my friends about it on Tuesday night at Bible study and like the wonderful friends that they are, they just listened. I so appreciate them listening and letting me cry without thinking I'm (tooooo) crazy. I know they have to think I'm a little whack-a-do let's be honest. That night, I decided I needed to get a grip.
I have absolutely no control over our fertility situation and I know that. I realized that me asking God to take this burden and deal with it means trusting Him with it daily. That entire situation is His problem to handle and I trust Him more than anyone else with the future of our family.
It felt so good to put Him in control of every aspect of my life. An enormous burden was lifted and it actually gave me the desire and the energy to "move" and start dealing with other out of control areas, so I decided to get a move on it.
It's amazing how when you just get started and make one change everything else follows. After mentally getting my act together I decided to physically start with our house. We were finally in town for the weekend so I rallied the troops (Dave) and I spoke his love language (an excel spreadsheet) and we got down to business.
In all, it was a nutso weekend! We worked our tails off...and the end result is a truly refreshing and amazing home and overall refreshing feeling in my soul. That may sound silly but it's how I feel. Last night, we went for a walk and I told Dave I just felt SO productive. We got rid of things we don't need, we cleaned, cleaned, cleaned, our pantry is organized, our refrigerator and freezer are cleaned out...we are completely organized and I was able to go for a walk and know dinner was going to be ready in the crock pot when we got home. PHEW!
Why in the world don't we do things like that more often??
How was your weekend?
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
The Cutest Thing I've ever seen...
I only hope that when I have kids some day A) I can give them a surprise like this and B) they would be SO joyful about pajama pants and a DVD that the "real" surprise would be that much sweeter!
Special thanks to my sister for sending this my way! It made my day yesterday and again today. (Because I can't stop watching it!)
Sunday, October 9, 2011
The Agony of Defeat...
My dad: "Well, Papa...did it look as bad from where you were sitting as it did from where I was sitting?"
Papa: "Steve, there wasn't a seat in Texas that made ANY of THAT look good."
Touché, Papa. Touché. The good news about playing at the Cotton Bowl is the ability to express your emotions (good or bad) through food consumption and let me tell you, we did not disappoint! Enjoy our happier times at the TX/ou game and the fried goodness that is the State Fair of Texas!
We bought food/drink tickets the minute we walked through the gate. A) because apparently everyone needed a corny dog for breakfast and B) because we knew the lines would be crazy long after the game. This wasn't our first rodeo...
It was almost 10am...the perfect time for a Fletcher's corn dog, right? Let me just say, I cannot stand corn dogs or hot dogs. But there is something about a Fletcher's corn dog at the fair that is second to none. They are delicious!!
The Texas Star! The tallest ferris wheel in North America.
Happier times. Ha! We took all of the smiling pictures before the beating started.
The Longhorn Band's pre-game performance was awesome! The flag looked great and they spelled out Texas on the field.
The atmosphere at this game is electric! Some of my most fun memories from college football games have all come at the Cotton Bowl for Texas/ou games!
After the game we needed to drown our sorrows so Dave headed for round 2...
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
NYC In a lot of photos and a few words...
And broke...
Here's the photographic version of events:

Day 1: Brunch at Peels- It's beyond adorable. Exposed brick, adorable bakery, wonderful food, "Build a Biscuit" (why on earth not I say?) and that gorgeous and enormous urn of baby's breath.
That evening, we had the privilege of visiting the 9/11 Memorial. It is really beautiful and very tastefully done. I can wait to see the grandeur of it all when the buildings are finished and the museum is open. If you'd like to view more of the Memorial photos click here.

After the Memorial we walked through this fabulous park and had dinner at Barrio Chino which was to die for and some of the best *Mexican food I've ever had in NYC. (*It's certainly not tex-mex but they did have guacamole and fresh squeezed margaritas. My steak fajita tacos were delicious!)

Above: A few exhibits at the Metropolitan Museum of Art

We had our very late lunch/early dinner at Shake Shack and then got ready for the Yankee Game.

We had a ton of fun through the first 2 innings of the Yankee game...unfortunately, it decided to rain....a lot!
From there, we headed to Brooklyn, did some shopping and had lunch at the Brooklyn Flea.
On our way home, we made our way through Mario Batali's Eataly. It was so fabulous. Handmade pastas, fresh made mozzarella, wine and cheese tastings, gelato, a restaurant, fresh made breads...I can't even begin to tell you how overstimulating this place is. The photos below are a glimpse at the gorgeous produce and cheeses. YUM!

We met Sarah and her boyfriend Daniel for a glass of vino and then we headed to Lil' Frankies for some beyond delicious pizza.
Day 4: Also known as our last day- Began with brunch at Freeman's with my sister's old friends. She had so much fun catching up with them and I loved meeting them!

After Freeman's we went to the J Crew Bridal shop on Madison Avenue for Kristen to do some quick browsing!
We went to a Matinee of How to Succeed in Business with Harry Potter Daniel Radcliffe. It was one of my favorite plays I've seen on Broadway! (which is a bold statement!)
We said our farewell to NYC with dinner at Jane and a promise to be back very soon!
I love you and your quirks, NYC. Thank you for taking me in for a long weekend! And Kate, you were a wonderful and gracious hostess, as always. Thank you! XOXO