I have a few things to share with you...let's start at the very beginning, a very good place to start...
My weekend went like this....
I got my gold-ish Toms I had been waiting on. :) They are so stinkin' adorable in person. If I wasn't ready for fall before (and believe me, I WAS) then I'm sure ready now!
I've been house/dog sitting for my parents (its own post entirely) and I got home from work on Friday and this was sitting on the front porch. This means 2 things:
1. My brother is coming home very soon!! This is his first batch of "stuff" mailed home
2. My parent's neighborhood is very honest. I mean, what-in-the-what UPS that you leave a huge guitar (hello, obvious!!) on the front porch. Do people not have to sign for these things??
Dave went to New Braunfels this weekend to go to his High School's first football game of the season with his dad. Since he was out of town I invited my boyfriend over for a sleepover. :) I decided to invite his mom too...I had so much fun with Liz, Lauren, Kate and Charlie man. We decided to let him swim (or float and splash in the spa...same thing). The adults on the other hand, did not swim. We sat and watched him with a cold beverage in hand because...
It was THIS hot. I mean, unreal. Do you see why I'm dreaming of fall? PS...that's legit. That's not "hot car sitting still 111 degrees" that's "driving with the AC full blast and 111 is being generous". I live in a constant state of sweat...real nice.
My boyfriend, flirting with Maggie. :) The Loj, get that boy a dog!!! (and yes, I have incredibly high arches...the end.)
UM. Blythe turned 1. We partied on Sunday. SHE partied like a champ and did us all proud. When she went head first into that cake my heart sang....GET.IT.GIRL.

And finally...this is where the weekend came to a
screeching halt. And why I've been absent on the
ol' blog. It's tough to share the positive when your heart breaks because of the incomprehensible. I got a call from my brother on Sunday. His girlfriend,
Rebecca had called to let him know that she was on the way to the hospital to be with her dad. He was with her sister at the Special Olympics when something happened. It seems that he had a brain aneurysm. He was rushed into emergency brain surgery. Unfortunately, there wasn't much that could be done.
Today, he will be take off life support.
Rebecca and Abi have lost their father. Her mother has lost her husband, her helper. And the world has lost a good, good man. That's so evident by the many who have come by the hospital to make sure the family knows that they feel that way. I am so heartbroken for them. This final picture was of the sunrise on Monday morning. I was driving to work praying....her dad had made it through the night and it seemed that was a positive step. I was praying for them and this sunrise was SO beautiful. The picture does it no justice. I was praying for him to be healed because that is our wish on earth, but I was praying for God's will to be done. Monday afternoon is when we found out that he would not make it.
This is tough. Words fail me when I try to tell Rebecca that I'm sorry. That I'm praying for her. That my heart is broken for her. So, instead, I use all of my words to ask God to comfort them and bring them peace. It's crazy how life can change in one.tiny.minute. So spend one tiny minute today letting those you love know it. And if you can spare a prayer...throw one up for the Rawson family.
"The Lord is close to the broken hearted and he saves those whose spirits have been crushed." ~ Psalms 34:19
I am so sorry to hear about your brothers girlfriends loss! That is horrible! I will keep you all in prayer!
So sorry to hear about your family's loss.
What a horrible end to an otherwise fun weekend...definitely puts things into perspective!
Love your Toms!
So sorry about your sad news. :(
So happy to see my man on the weekend part of the blog and so, so sad to hear about Rebecca's dad. I was just thinking about all of them this morning. I will be praying for their family and yours as you try to comfort them.
Those Toms are so cute! Are they they ivory glitters, because they don't look as dark as the gold glitters?
So sorry to hear about Rebecca's dad. I'll be praying for her and her family.
Tiffany, terribly sorry. I am praying for you, your brother and Rebecca's family. It's terrible to see these things in life...however, the Lord has called us to more than this life on earth.
On a lighter note, I like your TOMs. Always fun to get packages like these in the mail. :)
enjoy the rest of your week.
So terribly sorry for the loss to your family. Prayers go out to you all.
So sorry to hear about his girlfriends loss, prayers and strength to them. :(
Saying prayers for the Rawson family. I can only imagine how hard this must be.
oh heartbroken for their family and yours.
So sorry for their loss. Praying!
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