I decided to play along with Jamie today and tell y'all what I'm loving...
I'm loving pool time with these knuckleheads...
I'm loving my new popsicle molds I found at Target for $3.99!
I made Crystal Light Lemonade and pureed fresh strawberries. Filled the molds with both and Dave and I are loving our refreshing evening treat.
I'm definitely loving that they are about 20 calories each!
Rookie is loving his new puppy pillow! Nope, he's not spoiled. Not.At.All.
I'm LOVING this fabric I found this weekend. Trouble is (if you read my post from yesterday...) I've met my quota on fabric/recovering for the next, oh I don't know, 2 years. But this would be sooo cute in my upstairs living area...In person this is a light coral, light blue and light yellow pattern.
And finally, I'm loving TOMS eyewear. I absolutely love their mission. The fact that they are literally out to change the world one pair of shoes and one eye exam at a time is remarkable. When they announced they were carrying sunglasses and will provide someone with an eye exam, eye surgery, or glasses... I'm not gonna lie, I cried! Pardon the cheesy pun, but what amazing vision for their company. Making a difference in people's lives.
Not to mention, the styles are super cute!

What are you loving these days?
Oh I wish I was in your pool too!
Your pups are too cute.
I'm loving summer! :)
Precious pics!
I need popsicle molds. STAT!
your dog is presh. (going over to TOMS right now to check out the glasses!)
Aww your puppy pics are so cute!! And I might have to make those popsicles this summer!
Love the pups swimming - so cute! And I'm going to have to look into that popsicle mold next time I'm at Target! :)
I'm IN LOVE with that fabric! I'm a textiles Queen ;)
Cute Pups!
That pool looks FABULOUS!!!
I'm loving Annie's Cheddar Bunnies that I found at Costco. Just like Cheez-its lonly better for you.
That pool looks awesome! So jealous!
Thanks for playing along!
Love the pool pics...looks like the pups are having a fun time!
I am loving that pool...I need some pool time asap! And those sunglasses...I need those too :)
Love that fabric!! Your dogs are HILARIOUS!!! So cute!!!
Oh my gosh!!! The dogs are SO CUTE!!!! I love wet dogs...something about them is so pathetic yet hilarious.
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