"What do you want for dinner?"
"I was kind of wanting Mexican food."
"Oh, I had Mexican food for lunch....could we ever do burgers?"
"Yeah, I can do a burger."
"I've been dying to see Bridesmaids! It looks hysterical!"
"You know, that sounds like a perfect girls' night in the making! Why don't you and your girlfriends go have a fun night together and see that?"
"Done and Done!"
You see? Compromise!
Before we got married we went through a 12 week pre-marital counseling class through our church. It was absolutely wonderful. We had topics like dealing with conflict, in-laws, finances, family (having children/not having children, how many, how we wanted to raise them, etc), "sex-pectations", communication, etc. It was really nice to sit there with couples who had been married 20+ years and talk realistically about things that would inevitably come up in our marriage. But they forgot one topic....Reality TV and Remote Control. And by remote control, I actually mean who controls the remote. The answer during prime time TV...is obviously ME, no?
We got married before I was introduced to So You Think You Can Dance and Dancing with the Stars, so I'll give him that. He was blindsided. But the Bachelor/Bachelorette? Come on now. This is nothing new. I've been sucked in since Andrew Firestone. I've even hung in there through Prince Lorenzo Borghese, whiny-boy-Jake and Brad Womack....twice. So it's safe to say that my Monday's are a lock.

+1 Point: Tiffany
So you see, marriage is full of compromise. You win some, you lose some. But a very wise poster that hung on the side of my 7th grade science teacher's desk once said, "Stand for something or you'll fall for anything!" So I stand for Monday nights with Chris Harrison and Wednesday nights with Cat Deeley. :) (And certain times of the year, Tuesday nights with Bob and Jillian...so sue me!)
*This was Melanie and Neil's contemporary piece from Wednesday night and it.was.amazing. When she literally FLEW at him in the end...chills.