I'm not sad that I will have to miss 3 days of work and I am not at all sad about seeing my brother and having some fun in the South.
Exactly a year ago, Dave and I were hanging out here hiking, golfing (I was riding in a cart taking pictures and gasping at the beauty of it all), eating, lounging, and overall enjoying life! Before we went I really researched and knew exactly where we were going to eat, where we were going to sight see, all of the local attractions, etc. I had it planned to a T and we enjoyed every minute. We really felt like we got the most out of our vacation because we had a plan.
Unfortunately, I have been so busy lately and I haven't planned a single thing about our Hilton Head/Savannah trip!! So I need you...where should we go? What should we do? Where do we HAVE to eat? What MUST we see?
We're going to have some girl time while the guys play golf so I'd love your shopping tips, favorite cupcake places, perfect ice cream shops...everything that we need to know. Of course we'll be spending a little time at the ballpark watching my brother deal...Did I tell y'all he made the All-star team? :) I'm supposed to brag...I'm his big sister!!
Thank you in advance for your recommendations, advice, tips and tricks! XOXO
*HH/Savannah photos via google images. Photo of my brother via Joseph Pun Photography
Wow, that sounds just terrible. hahaha! I've never been to either of those places, but would love to visit both! Can't wait to hear about your travels!
Sounds like a pretty excellent weekend!
I can't help with Savannah or Hilton Head, but what would you recommend from Lake Tahoe? I'm laying on the Hyatt beach right now, and would totally trust your recommendations.
Savannah is wonderful. here is the link to our Savannah recap...
I've lived in GA for 3 years now, and have yet to make it to Savannah. I'm dying to go, I hear it's lovely. Have a great trip!
My cousin was drafted for the Mets' "High A" farm team last year right out of highschool. We've been traveling around the country to watch him play too. Save those baseball cards. They'll be worth $$$ someday!
Truly two of my favorite places! I was in HH for my honeymoon and can't wait to get back. Enjoy your time in this gorgeous cities. :)
A tough life you lead! ;) Have so much fun! You deserve a break. I feel like you are always on the go.
Love Savannah. We did the trolley tour. Totally touristy, but it was hop on and hop off and was a great way to see the historic city. Paula Deen's is a must of course! Get in line early for reservations...like 7:30ish. The Old Pink House is great too. Also Elizabeth's on 37th (I think that's the name).
Sad to report that I found the shopping in Savannah to be sub-par.
You're coming to my neck of the woods! Hope you have a fabulous trip to South Carolina/Georgia. To be completely honest you can't mess up either places anywhere/anything you choose will be great. Happy Travels!
I love both Savannah and Charleston! I did a walking tour in both cities and can recommend the name of the group to you if you're interested... Aside from that my favorite restaurant in Savannah was a bit pricey but ranks HIGH in my book: The Olde Pink House. Awesome She Crab Soup!
In Charleston we loved Jestine's and Hominy Grill. Both will give you good local-southern food. I think even Oprah recommended Jestine's... delish!
Have an awesome time!
For Hilton Head:
Eat at Hinchey's at least once, maybe twice;) For super good evening dinner, Red Fish. You must go to South Beach Marina and do the whole Salty Dog experience. The food is great there, too!
Coligny Plaza in North Forest Beach is cool, but eat at Skillets not Steamers if you go.
Captain Woody's is good for raw bar;)
I have spent two weeks every summer in HHI since I was about 3 years old. We looove it!!!
I really hope my comment doesn't come across all 'know it all-ish'. I sooo did not intend to be all do this, this, this & this! I just would move to Hilton Head in about 3.74625 seconds and my heart lives there in part:) I hope you have a blast!!
LOVE HH and Savannah! We only live 45 minutes from Savannah and about an hour from HH :)
In Savannah, there's lots of cute shops on Broughton Street. River Street is a touristy area and has lots of good restaurants :) There's a REALLY good chocolate bar called Lulu's...it's so yummy! Savannah is just so rich in history and is such a fun place to visit!
There are two Tanger outlet malls right before you get to Hilton Head and they both have lots of great shops!
I know y'all will have LOTS of fun!
I have never been to Savannah- but I hear from family and friends that Paula Deen's restaurant- The lady and Sons is the place to go!
But GO HUNGRY!! The portions are apparently ridiculous!!!
PS New follower!!!
Hope you're having so much fun!! I love Savannah so much!
Ooooo! So fun! I have family in Hilton Head and have been there once. It's absolutely gorgeous and I want to go back. It's been forever since I've been so sadly I don't have any recommendations. When you get back you will have to post some so that whenever I go back I'll check out your places. :)
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