Me and my sweet friend Robyn (aka Reams) and baby Lee Allison Robertson IV (aka Quatro:)
The shower was Cowboy themed and we had precious pictures of Robyn's husband dressed as a cowboy from his childhood. All of the guests signed a copy of the Pioneer Woman's new book, "Charlie the Ranch Dog" for Lee's library.
The ADORABLE diaper cake made by Bradley. She was voted the hostess MVP.

Trail mix was the party favor. The tag read, "Happy trails to you, until we meet again. Baby Lee will soon be here to meet all of his friends!"

We had fun putting Cowboy slogans throughout the house. On the left is George W. Bush's quote, "Some people say I walk with a swagger. Which in Texas is called Walking.
The sign on the right was put in the bathroom. :)
"If we had a shower hostess draft I would definitely draft you first." ~ Lynch to Bradley
"Really?????" ~ Bradley, whose eyes had lit up like diamonds (Best compliment she could have ever received!)
"Of course! Not only do you have great ideas, but you have all of the equipment. It's a no brainer." ~ Lynch
I am DYING laughing at these comments!!! And totally nodding my head at the obvious Bradley suggestions. So hilarious.
PLUS, I love your background and header... WAY cute!
I missed y'all this weekend so much!!!
1) what a perfect celebration! not that anyone would expect anything less with you and your crew.
2) you look beautiful in that dress!
That shower is too stinkin' cute!! My favorite is the diaper cake!
So cute!! Gabbie's first flight is the weekend and you bet I am calling my sister and telling her what Bradley said!
You guys are so fun!
wow! that was an awesome shower. i will definitely be stealing that idea and then drafting bradley to make the diaper cake. so cute!
That was such an adorable shower!! And I love your dress. I might need it...where did you get it?
Such a cute shower! Such a great the lemonade!
That was all fabulous. You ladies took everything to the next level! Great recap, T-rog!
I have so many comments. First, you look amazing! Your hair is gorgeous as usual but you're looking extra skinny and adorable in these pictures. I am LOVING your white eyelet dress. It is exactly what I want to wear to my shower but I cannot find a maternity dress like it. I found one but it's sleeveless. My arms are so not in sleeveless shape right now.
The shower is beyond cute. So many adorable touches! Hope you guys took pictures to send to those cute party blogs because it is absolutely precious!
Also, 3 pettifores in 24 hours? Psssh! Have another, they're small!
Finally, (I think), I love, love, love your blog makeover. Love the colors, the pattern and the simplicity. Perfect!
What a cute shower!
That is just the sweetest shower I have seen. Love all the special touches, and the diaper cake is just adorable! Perfection!
WOW! That was one heck of an amazing shower! The details are perfection! How fun! And I love your outfit! I have that dress too! :)
What an adorable shower!!
love this times a million!
Quite possibly the cutest shower ever! Seriously, I am in love with the details.
What a precious shower! And I love the idea of signing the Pioneer Woman book. Who doesn't love P-Dub?
Thanks for your comment! I am so glad to discover your blog that way!
This is such a great theme!! I love all the decorations and thought put into everything. And that diaper cake is amazing!
new follower :)
This may be the cutest shower I've ever seen
Loving all of those quote! Lol. It was so good to see you sweet friend! You look great! You all put on an awesome shower and I know it was special for Robyn. Love you!
amazing decor!!! so clever and beautiful!!
This looks like so much fun. The decorations are amazing and so cute!
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