I was fed up with myself the day after Christmas when I was looking through all of our family photos and I was counting my chins, so I got on a local website that lists all of the Austin and surrounding area races several months at a glance. I decided (having never run a mile, mind you...) that I would participate in the Capitol 10K at the end of March.
I recruited my sister and her BFF Alyssa and then I began begging Dave. I knew with his classwork that it might not interest him, but he readily agreed. Which is good, because had it not been for those 3 accountability partners I might have backed out!
I went ahead and signed up, but didn't tell many people....just in case.
December 28th was day 1. I started with the couch to 5K program and away we went. I won't lie...I don't like to run. It's hard. I can't breathe. I sweat like a pig. My knees hurt (PS, they only hurt for like 2 weeks and then they stopped). My legs felt like led weights. Did I mention the breathing? Because I felt like my chest was loaded with dynamite and was literally exploding. I'm also a bit ADD so it was boring! BUT, I sweat. I got my heart rate up. And for the first week when I was hard to run from my house to the stop sign (which is about 4 houses...) it began to feel really good when I could run 8 houses...then 12....and it just got a tiny bit easier each time.
I began to doubt myself a few weeks ago when I was hitting my wall around 3 miles. I thought I had bit off more than I could chew with 12 weeks to a 10K. I thought I should have started with a 5K. But this weekend I sucked it up, laced up the shoes and put on my big girl panties... I joined 25,000 of my closest friends in doing the Cap 10K in Austin, TX.

The actual running on race day was the only thing I did all weekend that a real runner would do. Because the 3 baskets of chips I had the night before probably doesn't count as "carb loading". But who doesn't love a good sunset at the Oasis on Lake Travis?

Below is our race day adventure. I forgot to take any pictures after the 10K, but everyone passed the finish line with flying colors! #WINNING.

SO impressed! I couldn't run a mile unless someone was chasing me. Congrats, girl! =)
Wow girl good for you!
Congratulations! Starting with a 10k as your first race is incredibly ambitious and it sounds like you rocked it. There really is no better feeling in the world than accomplishing your goals and crossing the finish line :)
WHOO HOO!!! You took on the challenge and rocked it. AND you looked glamorous and fabulous while doing it AND even leapt for joy when you saw us! You killed it!
Congratulations girl!!! I'm so proud of you. I'm stuck on week 6 of the couch to 5k program. I can't get past that 11 minute mark. I WILL DO IT! ;)
Wow that's impressive! Congratulations!!!
You are a ROCKSTAR! Way to go!! I really need to get my butt in gear :)
OH my gosh...you are so me! I hate running, but Hubby has convinced me to run a 5k in May...I've been doing the Couch to 5k and hopefully I'll be good to go by May 21st! Way to go, you're definitely an inspiration!
Good for you! That's awesome!
Lately I have been thinking I should try to do a 5k...I honestly have no idea why as running has never, ever interested me before...I swear I could go faster if I went backwards. Sooooo who knows, now that I am 40 I might see about gearing up for thinking more about doing one lol
Way to go!!!! I think that is just awesome. I have NEVER run a 10k and actually walked most of the only 5k I've ever entered. (May have had something to do with the fact that my thermos had booze in it. Yep, I'm that girl.) So impressed you did a 10k! You should be proud!
AWESOME!!! Congratulations!! I'm so proud of you!! Running is definitely something that takes time to really enjoy it - but after a while, it's quite addicting! I hope you had a great time at the race and will do another one. One of these days I'll come visit and do one with you! (don't worry, I'm slow as all get out.)
way to go t-rog :) nyc halfsie next year, sister!
Congratulations! That is impressive! Those sunset pictures are stunning! Hope you have a wonderful week!
Great job! I've tried to start running again because I have too many chins and I just don't see the point in running a marathon. I'm with you!
Way to go!!! I am trying to get motivated to do another 5K, but keep getting injured.
Congratulations, Tiffany!! I'm one of those can't-run-a-half-mile girls... so you're a true inspiration! <3
That's awesome! I ran my first 5k a year ago (with only a few weeks to train first.. not a good idea- but I made it) and have finally gotten up the guts to step up to a 10k. Running isn't easy for me either, but this weekend, I'll attempt to run my first 10k! Yikes! :) Great work!
way to go you!!! i am not a runner myself, so i admire your perseverance! thanks for stopping by my blog, i'm now a new follower of yours and i just LOVE the title!
This post was awesome! Firstly because Wow, what an awesome accomplishment. Secondly, because I have always been a "running just isn't in the cards for me" kind of person, but I want to be able to do SOME kind of running. I've always just given up after the (three) painful blocks. Hearing your story is so helpful. I just need to keep working at it. And I'm glad to hear your knees stopped hurting because goodness mine get bad! So awesome that you did this! Be so proud!
that's awesome!! I'm not sure if I could do a 10k... I would definitely need to train! And I have no interest in a marathon, to me those people are CRAZY! 10k is borderline crazy ;) good for you!!
Woohoo! Way to Go!!!! I just ran a 10k a few weeks ago also! (down here in lil old rockport) Maybe next year I'll do the Cap10K too!
Way to go! One of my good friends did this run also. :)
WAY TO GO!!!!!!!! i feel the same way you do about running; i'm totally not a runner, but i dabble in a few races here and there :) great job!
Way to go :) the first step is just getting out there and running. Back in 2007 I never ever ever ever ran and my boyfriend somehow got me to sign up for a FULL marathon 6 months later.
The first day I ran for 5 minutes and ended up on the curb hysterically crying because I thought there was no way I could ever do 26.2 of them. It was hard and not pretty, but in january 2008 I ran my first marathon (with PLENTY of walk breaks) and have since completed three more.
Keep running! and I think signing up for the race is the best motivator. I dont like to waste money so if I spend it, I better well do it :)
Impressive! I have written many blogs about how much I loathe running. All exercise for that matter.
Oh, and great pictures of Austin! In my opinion, it is still the most beautiful Texas city even though I am an Aggie :).
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