It was fun while it lasted. The poolside chats, the 2 hour dinners, the poolside drink service, the lazy days spent sunbathing and reading, the sound of the Loj's best friend from Chicago talking to us incessantly (I think she wanted a t-shirt)...I had hoped it would never end. I'm not even sure how I've made it through the last 36 hours without a Miami Vice, guacamole and my afternoon Chocolate Lovers Crepe. I suppose it's possible to survive without it, but why would anyone want to??
You have also given me a new appreciation for well-lit hallways, running water and upgrades. I had severely underestimated those things but thanks to you I’m giving “thanks” where thanks is due!
You were good to us, Catalonia. I’ll never forget you.
Cast of Characters:
Laura/ L-Merc- Director of Food Services: DOFS duties include making dinner reservations each evening
Robyn/ Reams- Director of Wellness: The DOWs duties include, but are not limited to: sunscreen application and re-application, distributor of Imodium, and providing snacks during long, weary travel days (this duty could be perceived as a responsibility of the DOFS, but the DOW came prepared so realignment of that duty was necessary).
Allison A./ Lynch- Director of Spirit and Director of Interpretation/Communication: The DOS’s direct duty was t-shirt design and development. On site duties shifted to the DOI as it became critical that her Spanish skills be used. Her fluent tongue helped us negotiate that upgrade and also made sure that our baked potatoes came with butter and cheese.
Allison L./ Bradley- Director of Photography: Do you really need me to explain this one?
Me/ T-Rog- Director of Documentation: DOD duties include documentation of quotes and events as they took place. The DOD also works closely with the DOP to ensure accurate preservation of all events.
Our book swap the night before we left. The majority of them were the Loj's....
“Do you want to sit by the window? ‘Cause if you puke on me it’ll ruin my day.” Bradley to Lynch on our way to the airport at 4:40am
Room #1...aka "the dungeon". You can tell how we feel about it by the picture above. The picture below is how we felt immediately after we made our decision to upgrade....we decided to toast to that fantastic decision while our bags were being "relocated". :)
~ Bradley "It's only sixty dollars. I think I'll just tell James we just didn't feel safe."
~ Reams "I don't!!"
" It is astonishing what sixty dollars will get you! Rags to Riches!" ~Bradley
"I just don't think we're that high maintenance. I just don't!" ~ also Bradley....

These were taken at dinner each night. The dinners were amazing!
I love these next 2....our DOP was trying to get fancy and take artsy pictures. These pictures were taken about 5 seconds apart...oops!
"I'm pretty sure they're going to hand us one of these when we get to Heaven." ~ Lynch...stone cold serious.
Yes...the camera was on a timer....and yes, Bradley had flung herself into the pool a nano-second before the photo took. The things you have to do to be the DOP....
"You'll notice I'm in my workout clothes...not because I just LOVE to workout and even have to workout on vacation...although it made the director of wellness happy...but really I was getting in my 5 mile training walk! What you can't tell from this picture is that we were at the crepe/milkshake place....so I was rewarding myself with the lovely object shown about 4 photos above...
Special thanks to the Director of Spirit for our t-shirts...
I love y'all and had so much fun! I think this needs to be an annual trip...who's with me?? We should have no trouble talking our husbands into it ;)
“Does having snacks make me a better director of wellness?” ~ Reams
“Are y’all going to a CPA convention?” ~ the joker on the plane who read Reams’ “occupation” section of her customs form. We informed him that we most certainly were NOT!
“There are 2 guaranteed times I cry: 1. When a soldier comes home. 2. Extreme Makeover Home Edition. ‘Move that BUS!’ I’m done!” ~ Lynch
"Do you have Karaoke?" ~ Bradley
"No, but I can play the drums and you can sing." ~ The bartender
"Do you know Fancy by Reba?" ~ Bradley
*Originally posted June 30th, 2009