I kid...kind of. I have been going for my nightly walks and enjoying this gorgeous weather we are having and I have been really reflecting on the 3-Day walk I did last year. Man it was a commitment. Weekends spent walking 36 miles, weeknights spent fitting in 5-6 mile walks when I got home from work and then willing my legs to go 60 miles November 6-8th, 2010.

Boy am I glad I did! It is still the most rewarding experience of my life. Crossing that finish line alongside my mother, who only 4 years before that finish line was in the middle of chemotherapy and. Wow. Praise God from whom all blessings flow. I was able to be on the end of that blessing and experience that joy and honor with her, my sister and her best friend Coleen. I'm so thankful! So I have spent some of walks praying for those currently battling breast cancer. Their families who are broken hearted watching their mother, sister, daughter, friend, grandmother...fight. Keep fighting....I promise I'll keep walking!
Before the 3-Day we had always participated in the Austin Race For the Cure...and we're back!! We are always so blessed and humbled by the friends and family that come walk with us. This was our team of over FIFTY people in 2008! All walking and raising funds to find a cure.

I've said it before but I could NEVER say it enough....Thank you. Thank you for continually supporting my mother, our family, and the many (too many) women (and men) who are fighting this disease. SO, join us on Sunday, November 7th, 2010 in Austin, TX to Race for the Cure!! Team Zsa Zsa would LOVE to have you. :)
That is some dedication and very much worth it!! Way to go!! XO
You rock! If I was near TX, I'd be right there with ya!
I have two aunts (one a survivor) walking in the Atlanta raace this year. I am so proud of them and for anybody else that can do this. Such a selfless thing to do in honor of somebody!
Good for you! So proud of you! Have a blessed day! xoxo
I love participating in Race for the Cure, and have had friends that have done the 3-day walk.. they, like you, and your mother, are an incredible inspiration!
Wow, what a great thing to do! You're an inspiration!
Good for you and your mama! My mom is 7 years breast cancer free :) I share in your triumphs!
What a wonderful thing for you to do together! My MIL is doing the 3 day here in Dallas this year and I wanted to do it, but my ol' hip wouldn't let me!
rejoicing over your sweet momma and all your miles:)
yeah! my mom is a survivor :)
So happy that your mom is a survivor! I think it's wonderful that you participate in the walks to support her and so many others!
Love your dedication to this!! What a great cause to support!!
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