I am so not perfect. I don't have a perfect life, a perfect marriage, a perfect dog, the perfect body. I am so, so thankful that for some reason, a few of you read this blog everyday. I have this tiny,
minuscule portion of the
Internet that I've devoted to rambling about my life as if any of you really care. My friends talked me into this blog as a place for storytelling and a 3 minute diversion from their workday so I obliged. I never really dreamed anyone other than my close friends and family might stumble upon it.
I've had a few "Debbie Downer" moments but for the most part, I put my best foot forward. If David and I have an argument there really is no reason to bring you all into it. In fact, there is no reason to. It's between us and God and that's the way it will stay. But, I also never intend to put on the perception that my life is perfect. I have struggles, I have insecurities and I have bad days. But the reality is that I am saved, I'm forgiven, and I have a LOT to be thankful for!
This weekend I was driving and I just got this smile on my face and the urge to praise God! I hadn't had anything amazing happen to me (well, I really have, just not amazing on the World's scale of amazing) and I got to thinking about all of the wonderful blessings I receive each day. And how good life really is. It's the little things, everyday that make me so very blessed and so thankful. SO, I wanted to share a few of my everyday blessings and praises. And I would LOVE to hear about some of the things you are thankful for, blessed by, and reasons you are praising God today! Here are just a few of the things God brought to the forefront of my mind this weekend....
My mom was diagnosed with stage 3 breast cancer FIVE years ago at the end of September...praise God she is cancer free today!
I won a Kelly Moore Bag from her twitter giveaway! I never win anything!
Dave, Rookie and I took our little family pictures this weekend. I want kids. I want a growing family, but I just had to stop and look at how blessed I am by these 2. I'm so thankful that God has given us this time together to grow in our marriage and our love for one another.
I got to spend 2.5 hours talking and watching baseball with my nana and papa yesterday. What a gift it is to have them living so close. I love them more than anything!
I get to meet my favorite babies and baby-mamma's for a patio lunch today!
THE WEATHER! Oh my word...can this season stay forever?
Jesus. I never have to do any of this life on my own.
My cutie dog who gets his hair cut and thinks he's the cat's meow!
My home. I hate to clean, I hate to spend my Friday night's at home waiting on a "siding guy" to come give us a quote on replacing some of our wood siding and I hate spending vacation money on new A/C units. But oh how I love my home. Thank you, God that you've allowed us this home to keep up.
A free weekend. The joy of a weekend with no traveling. It is so freeing to actually do laundry, do housework, paint my nails and toe nails, watch football and baseball (even if the Rangers lost....TWICE.) and just be.
My family. I am eternally grateful for the love, support and friendship I have in my family. Not sure how I was the lucky nut that landed with these squirrels, but I'll take it!
These are just a few of my many blessings....I'd love to hear a few of yours!
"Therefore I will praise you, O LORD, among the nations; I will sing praises to your name." ~ 2 Samuel 22:50