I have never participated in Wishful Wednesday before but this week I decided to throw in my 2 cents. I absolutely loved my wedding gown and I don't think I would change it! It was perfect for me, I felt beautiful and I don't think anyone expected anything less than the dress I wore. It had a petticoat the size of Texas under it, so go hard or go home. It's always fun to go to weddings and see the bride come in and it's so fun when their gown fits their personality exactly! I love that.
When I was looking for gowns to highlight for Wishful Wednesday I purposefully found 2 gowns that are VERY different from my wedding dress. If we're wishing here I would have to wish to be about 6 sizes smaller to pull off either of these 2 dresses! I think they are both gorgeous, and I would probably openly gasp if I saw a gorgeous bride walking down the aisle in either of these.

I cannot figure out a way to get a photo of the back of the dress, but it is so fabulous. Click here to see it!

Here is a picture of my wedding dress

HI I just ran across your blog and love it!! Super cute! I am with you on that first dress it is just fab! Stunning.....
Have a Happy Day
Summer :0)
I just found your blog through Kelsey! I love the second dress!
Love your dress!! And the other ones you picked are gorgeous. Lace is growing on me. When I was trying on dresses I told the sales lady 'no lace' and now I love it. LOL.
Found your blog through Kelsey's. I can find something I like about all three dresses! You looked really great in your dress :)
Love that second one. I think I would go with something lacy probably!
I wouldnt change a thing about my dress!!
You were such a beautiful bride!!
I love the second dress! I almost got that one :)
you looked great in your! very fun!
There was this GORGEOUS dress that I saw in a magazine right after I ordered my dress. They carried it in Chicago, so I called to check price and try it on "just in case". The woman said it was beautiful, and that EVERYONE looked great in it (i could tell because of the amazing cut) Then she told me the best price she could offer on it was $3500...WAY out of my price range...so if i were much richer, I probably would have gotten that dress and it would have been gorgeous. But when I look back on my pictures, i absolutely loved my dress and wouldn't change a thing....
LOVE your dress! it has a pickup skirt like mine did!!! :) BEE-U-T-FUL!!!
I love your dress!!
The first one is so unique!
You looked great in your dress though :)
Aww you dress is so pretty! I love that picture of you two walking down the aisle!
thanks for stopping by my blog!! i love the damask print on yours!! and your wedding dress was lovely! i don't know what i would wear if i had to do it all over again....maybe do a wardrobe change at the reception!! my sister did that and it was soo fun.
Thanks for coming by my blog today!!! It's always so fun to have a new visitor. Your dress was out of a fairy tale!!! I love the lace one.
OH my gosh! I am with you. If I was WAY smaller, I would love to wear a dress as fitting as the 2 you showed. I LOVE the bow in the back of the first one! I have a petit friend getting married soon, and she got a fitted dress- I can't wait to see it on her!
I have a bigger bottom and larege legs, so the traditional poofy on bottom wedding gown was perfect for my shape! :)
YOu and YOUR dress are gorgeous! :)
stopping by from WW, your wedding dress was gorgeous! the other dresses you posted are pretty too!
Your dress was super gorgeous - love the second one too :)
I LOVE the second one!! I loved my dress and wouldn't change it but I have only been married 3 1/2 years so maybe in ten years I will think differently:)
I love the first dress!! But I also love your dress as well, very beautiful.
I *love* your dress! You were a gorgeous bride! :)
Okay, I am not agreeing with you just to agree and be nice. But, I SAW both of those and fell in LOVE with them, almost picked them, and went after what I really wish was in addition to mine. haha. We must have similar *FABULOUS* styles!!!
Your dress looked amazing! :) Also love the second one you posted. :)
i LOVE that second dress you posted. LOVE LOVE LOVE. I want to looks just like her on my wedding day!!
But unfortunately... not enough poof for this Texas girl ;)
i like your dress the best!!
it looks perfect on you!! i love everything about it :)
you looked beautiful hun!!
Im dress shopping this weekend and couldnt be more excited and nervous all at the same time... oh the options!
Beautiful dresses! You look amazing in your dress and I think it was the perfict pick! Great blog!
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