You may think I'm kidding, but all of my friends will tell you that every time I went to get my haircut I was armed with a picture from Meg's latest flick. I spent 2 years trying to achieve "You've Got Mail" Meg. And as a result I hate just about every photo from college! ha!
So now, I'm seeking advice from you dear readers. My family has differing opinions so I figured I would put it to a vote. I'm about to inundate you with photos from the past 3 years. My hair grows VERY fast, so in 3 years I've been shorty-short, LONG, in between, short again, etc. I've had bobs, layers, bangs (but I always had longer bangs swept to the side) and I just can't decide where to go next, but I know I need to go somewhere! It's time for a change.
My hair is getting long again and I either need to style it up with some layers and let it grow, or cut it again. But how short? The pictures below are in sequential order of the past 3 years. There are some things in these photos I'm not proud of. There are eyebrows that would make the ladies at my nail place cringe. There is an outfit or two that my friends should be ashamed they didn't warn me about. I'll take that up with them personally. And I must shamefully point out my weight gain. Because the short bob might not be the way to go with my more "full-figured" face. Y'all weigh in. Short or long? Layers or no? And tell me which picture you prefer because I've had several different stylists. (I'm the queen of inexpensive cuts. A few of these came from salons and were a bit pricey but the majority of my cuts have been $20 or less!! Don't judge....I'm actually pretty proud of my very high maintenace hair at low maintenance prices:)

Cast your vote! And thank you!
I like it mid-length! The wedding picture was my fave!
I love this post! How fun! My fav is the firat picture with the bob. It is adorable! I love it. You are lovely though, so whatever you do you can't go wrong. Goodluck.
how in the world are we supposed to pick!? Your hair looks cute in every single picture!!
I think I like it cut short in a bob or a little longer, like in your friends wedding the best, but that is only because you are making me pick!!
I think it's cute longer with some layers, Tiffany! The photo of you and V-Rog at what looks like (and is most likely) a baseball game is a cute style for you.
I love your hair in the second picture (and the first) You look great with a bob!
I love the shoulder length with waves!
Very pretty and classy! xo
Reamsies wedding pic is my DEF fave. Not that you're not ALWAYS adorbs... but I like it with some length and a few layers. But like a little below shoulder... not way long.
I like picture 4 and 5. I agree with Liz...a little length and some layers but not super long.
You know, you could always get you some Jessica Simpson clip in extensions and then you can have all the looks you like whenever you want them! That would be a great blog post! :)
I like your hair when it is hitting your shoulders, and is flipping out a tad. Like pic #4
Your hair looks great in all these!! I think I like it best at shouler length with layers and side swept bangs. The pic with you and the bride is my fav.
Shoulder length!! Are you a Red Raider?! Guns up!
I LOVE the third picture bob! Love it! So sleek!! My other favorite is the longer one where you are with the bride. Both are super cute! I am in the same rut right now, but I don't know what I want to do. I do know that it needs to be MAJOR low on styling cause that just doesn't happen EVER now that momma needs to sleep til 5:45!
How funny! I am a Red Raider and my husband is an Aggie. We have a flag that is half Tech and half A&M in the front yard. Gotta love football season :)
And, that episode of Friends is one of my favorites. "It's the humidity!!!!"
i'm gonna jump on the band wagon and go with the pic of you at your friend's wedding, although i think anyone that can rock a bob (or short hairstyle) def should, and you, my dear, can. but i do love the shoulder length pic. so not that i have you royally confused, good luck!!!
I think you look wonderful with it at mid-length. The wedding picture is my FAV!!
I like a little longer with layers...very soft and pretty!
Your hair looks cute in all of them - seriously! But if I had to pick favorites, I liked the length/style in pictures #5 and #6.
Good luck deciding!
I like it best in front of the Christmas tree! :)
I like the Christmas tree one! I think after my wedding I am chopping off my hair!
I love the christmas tree one, and also short hair int he blue dress :)
Gosh....it looks really nice in all of them. I think that my fav is the wedding pic one. I like the bangs swooped to the side like that.....but I guess you could do that with even a shorter cut if your wanted to!!
Good luck :)
They're all adorable, but my favorites are Reams's wedding and the one with you and your mama!
my favorites are the fourth picture of you and the sixth picture of you. i LOVE your hair!
and thanks for the swimsuit tips. i got mine from lands end this year. the yellow polka dot top with solid navy bottoms! here's hoping for miracle coverage:)
Pic 2, Bob, not too short.
the one with you & reams is my fav!
i like the wedding one too!
Touching your shoulders. Favorite pics: wedding and you in the yellow with the gaming voucher. You've got beautiful hair any way you style it!
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