Friday, February 20, 2015

Toddler Tootsies...

In a moment of temporary insanity I signed on to do the craft for P&C's class Valentine party. I love all things hand and footprint related so I decided on footprint heart flower pots for their mamas. It was going swimmingly until my son realized I was going to craft with other kids! The horror!!! He proceeded to cry the entire time I was doing the other kid's foot prints. Eek!

Thankfully, the kids had fun scooping their dirt in their pots, helping plant their flowers, and making something darling for their moms. I love my pots from my two love bugs!

Love Month...

This month has been crazy! I don't exactly know how it's been so crazy but we've been a mile a minute. We've slowed down with a few days at home catching our breath.

Little Miss roped Rookie into a tea party. It was pretty darling, and he's a good sport! 

We've made a few batches of cookies and my hips are showing it! They have fun helping me bake/cook and it's a fun activity to pass the afternoon. 

Tiny tootsies covered in sprinkles....I can't even....

Thursday, February 19, 2015

My Little Love Bugs...

Oh that little bitty teeny weeny thing they call the love bug...

Nobody's ever seen it but it's got the whole world shook up...

It all started with a little bitty kiss and a hug...

It's a little bitty teeny weeny thing they call the love bug!