There are a lot of words I would use to describe David and me..."cowboy" and "cultured" aren't really two of those words. Unless, of course, you consider me a cowboy because I own cowboy boots and live in Texas. And if, by cultured, you'd consider the fact that I can often translate characters of the Jersey Shore into English and I buy wine from Argentina when it's on sale then we'll roll with it.
This weekend, Dave and I went to Fort Worth for a quick weekend getaway and we had a great time. Fort Worth's tag line is, "The City of Cowboys and Culture". It's no surprise really. They have police officers on horseback throughout the city, the Stockyards are packed and there is always a rodeo, concert at Billy Bobs or something equally as Levi and chap-ridden going on. It is a "Good 'ol boy" city where gentlemen give their seats to ladies, open doors and say yes ma'am and no ma'am. I love it.

We spend most of our Saturday nights watching football, DVR'd TV, or hanging out with our equally as culturally challenged friends. So you can imagine our surprise when we found ourselves buying our first painting and going to see Leann Rimes with the Fort Worth Symphony. It's like we aged 25 years over night.
I'm going to sum it up: Leann is uber skinny. Girl friend can SING. And hearing her on stage being funny and light hearted almost made me like her...And then she sang a song called "Borrowed". As in, she "borrowed" her now husband from his now ex-wife. I said
almost. She
almost made me like her. Did I mention how stinkin' amazing her voice is though? Dang... (*You can see legit, non iphone pictures of her from Saturday night's performance
Saturday morning we went in an out of shops and museums in Sundance square. We walked into Thomas Kincaid so I could show Dave a painting he did of Yankee Stadium. I saw it with my mom and sister when we were in Savannah. While we were in there, we saw a painting he did of Forsyth Park in Savannah. We were there this summer...we rode our bikes to that exact park and took a few photos. We kind of fell in love with the painting so we got it! We hung it Monday night :)

**Below are two of our photos from this summer in Savannah at Forsyth Park...

We really enjoyed the time together. Dave is taking two classes this semester so his "free-time" is fairly non-existent which means our time together is fairly non-existent. We'll take it when we can get it! Happy Thursday, friends!