Happy New Year! I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and rang in the new year in style! We enjoyed great time with family over the holidays and now we're settling back in to normal programming.
December 31st and January 1st are always the same for me. I say (about 100 times) "I can't believe it's *insert year*!" Time flies! Each passing year I realize how quickly the time goes and how we need to make the most of each moment.
I never have many complaints. Life is good. God is good. We are blessed. But I was ready to wrap up 2011 and usher in a new year. I realize it's just a new month. Sunday turns to Monday and the reality is that it's another day. But a fresh calendar year just symbolizes new things.
2011 was a hard year for us. After a year and a half of trying for a baby we began the countless doctor's visits to get to the bottom of our issue. We began seeking answers in 2011 and we ended 2011 with a failed attempt at a pregnancy. There were a lot of hard times, a lot of tears, a lot-a lot-a lot of prayers, tons of encouragement from friends and family, tons of doctor's appointments and a lot of disappointment in between January and December.
There was also a lot of joy. A lot of growing...both as a couple and individually in our relationships with God. At the end of 2011 we still don't have a baby, but we have hope. We have hope in the God who gives life and peace and joy. I do not regret 2011...I am thankful that in the midst of a year of trial we had a lot of triumph. We have wonderful friends, family and prayer warriors on our side and God has shown us time and again that He is good and that His plans are far better than any we could imagine!
As I look forward to 2012 I can't help but think of the goodness 2011 brought...
Thank you!!

I RAN...for "fun"...for the first time in my life...and I didn't die! I ran my first race with 25,000 of my closest friends - Capitol 10K Austin, TX.
Mumford and Sons!! It was amazing.
We took a really fun trip to Savannah with my family...
My sister and Brad got engaged!
Dave and I enjoyed a FUN weekend Staycation here in Austin using all Groupons :)
We spent a few Saturdays exploring our city and enjoying time together...

Sister-sister found THE dress!
I had an amazing sisters week in NYC with my sister and sister-in-law! We honestly did it all and had a ball doing it!

We took Tennessee by storm with my in-laws. We visited Dave's grandad and I fell in love with fall all over again!
Had a legit spa party at my house!! Had the most fun with my girlfriends E-V-E-R!
My brother and Rebecca got engaged! Turning 30 AND having your "baby" brother get engaged in one year will really make you feel old. ;) Lots of weddings to look forward to in 2012 for this fam!
Happy New Year!!
From me and mine, to you and yours, I hope you have a blessed 2012!
I love yearly recaps! I'm so sorry you all are going through this hard time. We recently experienced the same thing 1.5 yrs of trying. I know what a roller coaster of emotions it is and I hope that you all have gotten answers and are on the way to finding solutions. :)
This was such a great post! Loved all the pictures!
Great recap! Loved it, since I just started following. And added you to my pregnancy prayer list...I think I know more people trying to have babies than who are/have been actually pregnant. Hopefully that phase of your journey is coming to a close and you can find some answers soon to get you closer to your baby.
love your recap- looks like you had a great year!
Cheers to an amazing 2012 for you!!
looks like you have an exciting 2012ahead! sorry to hear about the troubles in 2011-hoping that 2012 will bring some luck :)
I love you, I love you, I love you. Cheers to a new year and a new start. I hope that you get everything your heart desires (and then some) this year. You are amazing and you deserve it!
Happy New Year! Let's hope all those bridesmaid dresses you will have to wear this year will be good luck! You know anytime one *has* to fit into a dress they end up pregnant!
Thanks for stopping by my blog! I just read through your post and I had to tell you my sister in law suffered through infertility and failed adoptions for 3 yrs and just 10 months ago she gave birth to a gorgeous baby girl who is perfect- so there is hope and you're not alone- everything happens for a reason! You have such a positive attitude- I love it!
Love the post, love you and LOVE that you worked Vertical Horizon into your blog. HA.
Awesome post!!! I am excited for you and this year! I am so sorry to hear about all of the hard times in trying to have a baby. I know that must have been absolutely devastating, but keep believing. It's all in God's plan and timing :) I believe He will bless y'all down the road :)
Your positive attitude is very admirable. I hope that 2012 is the.best year yet!
Sounds like a lot of "ups" and "downs" in your year. But it looks like you have the love and support of a wonderful family! Get ready for 2012! I think it's going to be a great year for you!
Isn't it funny how the Lord doesn't listen follow our plans? God is good and I'm glad you are resting in Him. I'm so sorry to hear the news and I pray the Lord would give you a baby in His perfect timing.
I loved your recap of 2011. I'm so sorry about your troubles in 2011 but hope that you have a blessed and great 2012!
Happy New Year! Hope 2012 brings you all good things!
Happy New Year! Thanks for stopping by my blog & I hope 2012 is a great year for you too!
Happy New Year!!!! Hope you have a very blessed 2012 as well. I am so glad to have found your blog. I am your newest follower!!
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