Greater love hath no man than this, that he lay down his life for his friends. ~ John 15:13
Monday, May 30, 2011
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
The Day to Day...
Most of us don't go on dates that rival the Bachelor/Bachelorette. Most of us are lucky to get taken out to Chili's and you're really on a date when you get a movie afterwards! I spend my weekend watering plants, going to the grocery store and cleaning bathrooms. Just call me Fancy.
But the truth is, it all adds up to a great here's a little bit of what I've been doing lately...

A trip to the coast a few weekends ago with Bradley, Lynch, the babies and the husbands. It was full of food, fun, and the ROYAL WEDDING! We literally watched's.coverage. And it was awesome.
*These photos were taken by another player's mother. It was Breast Cancer Awareness night and the players wore pink jerseys. It was PERFECT that this was a night Taylor started. They auctioned the jerseys off to fans but Taylor had asked if he could make sure and get/buy his own jersey as a gift for my mom who is a survivor! What a perfect gift!!

Last and definitely least...I've really slacked off on my running since the 10K. I was so proud of myself for setting that goal and reaching that milestone. Then I was just tired. And I've reverted back to my sporadic exercise the last 6 weeks. But I'm back. I did a few miles last night, I'm exhausted today, and I'm vowing to get back in the groove. OH, and my sister may or may not be throwing around words like Half Marathon....Heaven help me!
"Sometimes I wonder about my life. I lead a small life - well, valuable, but small - and sometimes I wonder, do I do it because I like it, or because I haven't been brave? So much of what I see reminds me of something I read in a book, when shouldn't it be the other way around? I don't really want an answer. I just want to send this cosmic question out into the void. So good night, dear void." ~ Kathleen Kelly, You've Got MailSunday, May 22, 2011
Don't Squat With Yer Spurs On!
Me and my sweet friend Robyn (aka Reams) and baby Lee Allison Robertson IV (aka Quatro:)
The shower was Cowboy themed and we had precious pictures of Robyn's husband dressed as a cowboy from his childhood. All of the guests signed a copy of the Pioneer Woman's new book, "Charlie the Ranch Dog" for Lee's library.
The ADORABLE diaper cake made by Bradley. She was voted the hostess MVP.

Trail mix was the party favor. The tag read, "Happy trails to you, until we meet again. Baby Lee will soon be here to meet all of his friends!"

We had fun putting Cowboy slogans throughout the house. On the left is George W. Bush's quote, "Some people say I walk with a swagger. Which in Texas is called Walking.
The sign on the right was put in the bathroom. :)
"If we had a shower hostess draft I would definitely draft you first." ~ Lynch to Bradley
"Really?????" ~ Bradley, whose eyes had lit up like diamonds (Best compliment she could have ever received!)
"Of course! Not only do you have great ideas, but you have all of the equipment. It's a no brainer." ~ Lynch
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
One Nut Shy of a Fruit Salad...

We really were short one crazy...missed you brother!
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
Mom, Mom, Mom, Mummy, Mummy, Lois....
I let mother's day come and go without a mention on my blog and now I feel compelled to rectify that. If any mothers deserve a blog post dedicated solely to them it is the mothers that have the greatest impact on my life.
And why make the statute of limitations to just Mother's day? Without further ado...many thanks to the best of the best...
Mom, You're beautiful both inside and out. I do know how lucky I am to be yours.
Thank you for...
~ Loving me unconditionally. Even when I (at 26 no less) spilled nail polish remover on your (brand new) coffee table and it took all of the varnish off. I guess dad was right- "Kids are a money pit!"
~ Bringing my BLOOMERS to school my junior year of high school so I didn't have to show my entire high school my "goodies". Who forgets the most important part of their cheerleading uniform?
~ Your prayers. You are a true prayer warrior. You have always taught me the power of prayer and I can't underestimate the power of your prayers in my life. There is no telling what blessings I have received that I owe credit solely to your prayers for me.
~ Singing me show tunes, oldies, Elton John, Creedance Clearwater Revival and anything else that tickled your fancy. You are the best entertainment I can think of!
~ Telling me how much you and dad love me, but making sure I know that Jesus somehow loves me more.~ Teaching me that the best meals need only 3 ingredients. Cheese, tortilla chips and Diet Coke.
~ Letting me eat M&Ms for breakfast.
~ Coming in to wake me up for school and then declaring it "skip day"! Those were the best days of my life. Not going to school, spending the day in my PJs with you, watching movies, ordering pizza....I pray I can do that with my kids someday.
~ Teaching me respect for authority. I was always more scared of the trouble I would get into when I got home than any punishment I could receive based on my offenses. Respect adults, respect authority, respect the rules.
~ Teaching me WHO I am and WHOSE I am.
~ Writing me sweet notes and journals giving me words of wisdom, quotes, encouragement, and little glimpses into your thoughts and prayers for me, Taylor and Kristen.
~ Always attending every.single.event from gymnastic meets to cheerleading competitions, football games, pep-rallies (in case I forgot my bloomers...), church plays, softball games. It didn't matter that you had 3 kids in 15 activities each. We always knew our biggest fan would be there.
~ Teaching me to be kind to animals. True love for the defenseless, the dependant and those that love us even when we're unlovable is something I see in you.
I love you, crazy! Nana, where do you think mom learned to be such a good mother?
Thank you for...
~ Always coming to "grandparents' Day" at school. You were the HOTTEST Nana there! I was always so proud to have you sitting by me eating some terrible hot-pocket concoction.
~ Tea parties on the bottom of the pool. At this age, I can totally see what a pain it was for you to get your hair wet in the name of tea and crumpets in the shallow end! But those tea parties were the best.
~ Cantaloupe and a handful of Frito's after a long day of swimming
~ Schooling me at "Go Fish" and slap jack. I didn't know what a card shark you were!
~ Always coming to my defense when my parents got on to me in front of you. You always said, "Don't get on to her!" Even though I'm sure I always deserved to be "gotten on to"
~ Taking me with you to the beauty shop on Saturdays. When Joyce would let me do the paraffin wax I thought I was a Hollywood glam girl!! You taught me that a woman always needs to look her best! You have always been so beautiful!~ Sitting out in the front yard singing "I see the moon" and looking at the stars. Just enjoying beautiful Texas nights and the opportunity to spend time together.
~ Teaching me the value of a Macy's coupon :)
~ Loving mom so deeply and showing us the precious relationship of a mother and daughter.
You are so precious to me my Teeny, Tiny Nana!Claudia, I am so, so lucky to have you for a Mother-in-law. I fell in love with your son and you, Mark and Kate are sweet icing on the top! I would have never dreamed I would be so blessed.
Thank you for...
~ Sharing your chocolate chip cookie recipe right out of the gate! Very first Christmas and BAM! It is my all-time favorite cookie recipe.
~ Opening me up to the world of recycling, Farmer's Market-ing, reusable bagging, and... I'll stop there. Because we both know I won't be composting anytime soon. :)
~ Loving me and accepting me into your family.
~ Teaching me the excitement of a children's book. Your passion for children learning to love reading is wonderful. I look forward to you reading to grand kids and telling them all about Olivia, David and all of the other fun and fabulous characters they need to know!~ Being my partner in crime when it comes to ordering dessert! The guys don't know what they're missing!
~ Your generosity. Not only to "us" but also just to me. You've truly accepted me right into your family and you treat me like one of your own.
~ Your prayers. We know you pray for us, love us and want only the best for us.
I love you all and thank you for molding me teaching me. If I am 1/2 the woman each of you are I'll be doing pretty well!
Friday, May 6, 2011
Puppy Love...
This week is National Pet Week, so in an effort to show y'all my favorite family members and raise a few bones for the Town Lake Animal Center I'm asking for your help (no worries, you'll be spending my money, not yours :). TLAC is working to make Austin a NO KILL city!! The problem is that their current facility is just too small to house all of the animals. They have a wonderful network of foster families (though they could always use more!) and rescue groups as they strive to save animals.
Now for the fun part! I'm taking a page out of Sara's book (go comment there too!!)...
For every comment received on this post, Dave and I will donate $1 to the Town Lake Animal Center of Austin, TX!
With a second of your time (the time it takes to comment) you will help save an animal's life! And you will put a smile on my face with your comment.
Happy Friday, friends! I hope you enjoy a little fun in the sun this weekend! Love on your mommas! And thank you, thank you, thank you From Rookie and the Gyllenhalls! (Maggie and Jake are my parent's dogs...Rookie's BFFs and my other love bugs)