Thursday, September 30, 2010
The Ike Special...
This high school coach designed a play for one of their players who has down syndrome. They were losing 35-0 and they put him in at the end of the game. The coach called the "Ike Special" and gave him the ball. You can see how the other players responded. It's great to see these high school coaches teaching these boys about more than football.
Happy Thursday friends! We're almost there...
Monday, September 27, 2010
Crazy! With a Hint of Glam and Fab...

We hit Lubbock and I quickly noticed that the Cavenders was bigger than the Target...we're not in Kansas anymore Toto...We had a great steak dinner and then hit the town, along with 50,000 of our closest friends. I think every Tech and Texas student decided to come out and all of the female students ( was wearing boots and a dress. To say there was great people watching would be an understatement.

Happy fall y'all! Is everyone getting hyped for the Texas vs. ou game this weekend? Come early, be loud, stay late, wear ORANGE!
Thursday, September 23, 2010
The Danger Zone and the Storehouse...
Sometimes, time will get away from us and before I know it I’ve crossed the brink of sanity and quickly entered the ravenous phase. The good news is that Dave can easily recognize the symptoms of the danger zone. When he gets “the look”, when he gets “the tone” or when he gets silence it’s a fairly good indication that we need to get FOOD!
Thankfully, I can always get to a Chick-Fil-A, the grocery store, Chili’s, grab some almonds, run through Sonic…whatever is closest to me on my route. I always have a few dollars to satisfy my need. Praise God. I am blessed.
Many, many people don’t have that same fortune. Mothers lay awake at night wondering what their kids will eat for dinner the following night because they only have a bag of rice in the cabinet. Fathers work all day on nothing but a ½ of a peanut butter sandwich because there wasn’t enough bread to make a whole. And don't even think about jelly!
In 2003, two hardworking, college educated, professionals, found themselves jobless and homeless. Like many of us, they never dreamed that “people like them” could find themselves in such a devastating situation. They experienced the humiliation and mistreatment of someone seeking help from others. At that point, they knew God had something bigger for their lives. They started the Storehouse.
The Storehouse is a faith based food pantry in Austin, TX. They serve the poor. Beyond food they give them hope, love, respect and prayer. Most of all they give them JESUS.
As Christians we are told to love and to serve. And not just those in our social class or in our friendship circle. We’re commanded to love and serve even the least of these.
We have an example of how to do that from the loving and selfless God we serve. Thank God that he saw the poor, the weak, the hungry, the needy and the completely unworthy, and then put his son on the cross to save ME. What a blessing that He's taught us how to serve others.
The Storehouse is an amazing ministry, but they desperately need our help. They are feeling the effects of a down economy. People tighten their wallets and one of the first things to go is charitable giving. Because of that, the Storehouse is unable to purchase food in bulk from the Capital Area Food Bank because frankly, they don’t have the money. They need $7,000. Yep, you read that right. $7,000. People need food. People need Jesus. The Storehouse needs money to continue to give people food and be the hands and feet of Christ to them. WE need to be the hands and feet of Christ to them.
I know there are a million places to give of your resources, but please consider the Storehouse. You can read more about them here: and you can donate directly here (any amount helps greatly!):
All of these amazing photos of the Storehouse were taken by my very talented friend, Jamie. Jamie has offered her fabulous time and talent and is offering photo sessions with ALL of the money going to the Storehouse! Perfect timing for Christmas card pictures! Here's the 411:
- $100 for a 30-45 minute session (ALL $100 will go to the Storehouse!)
- Saturday, October 9th in Austin, TX- exact location TBD
- You will get a DVD of your images
- You may change clothes, bring your dog, whatever you think you can do in your 30-45 minutes
- You will make a check payable to The Storehouse so it will be tax deductible, or you can *pay by credit card directly to their website (*Please contact Jamie first so you guys can set up that payment transaction)
- Sessions can be booked directly through Jamie by e-mailing her:
- You can check her out on her website and her blog:
Here are a few of her amazing pictures!

Melt my heart! Are you even kidding me??

"For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me...'I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me." ~ Matthew 25: 35-40
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Southbound 35....
If you currently have a mental picture, you're welcome.
All I know is that in the past 96 hours I have spanned about 726 miles of Texas and tomorrow I will add another 250.

Then I went here...for the Texas vs. Tech game... (Lubbock)

Then I flew here for a work conference... (Dallas)

And tomorrow I get to go back here....and sleep in my own bed.
It's been fun, it's been exhausting, it's been educational and it's been worth it, but I'm ready to be home and see my Rookie bear! Spreaking of Rookie...Dave sent me this picture today...he got home from work and we usually come in together. He said Rookie stood at the door for about 2 minutes waiting for me. BREAK.MY.HEART. Look at those ears....
There's no place like home...Happy Tuesday Friends!
Thursday, September 16, 2010
I digress...although this post, titled "today", doesn't have a fancy giveaway like PW, it does have several really great things about today....
First and foremost, Today is the Loj's birthday! It's not only her birthday but it's the BIG 3-0!! It's crazy to me that I have known her for more than 1/3 of her life...That is so fun! I love you The Loj and I hope you have a happy, happy birthday!

- The Loj's birthday celebration is happening at Gloria's and I've been looking forward to brisket tacos all day...
- Today is my Friday! Can I get an AMEN!
- Dave and I are going to the Texas vs. Tech game this weekend...
- Dave and I have joined an amazing community group and we are so blessed by our new friends and the relationships we are forming
- Those same people took a prayer request I had last week and are acting upon a great need. There is a wonderful ministry here in Austin that needs our help. They are a faith based food pantry called The Storehouse, and because of the economy they have not been getting the financial support they normally get. Because of that, needy, hungry families do not have the opportunity to get the food they need. The most basic necessity. Our group has prayed about the task of raising $7,000 for the Storehouse! In the coming weeks I will be telling you about a few ways we can make that happen. I hope you will pray about helping! $1, $5, $10, $ all helps immensely! We've also got some amazing, God-given talent in our group and there will be mini-photography sessions, pitching lessons, etc all given with the funds raised going to the Storehouse...stay tuned! And if you would, please be in prayer for the Storehouse. God does amazing things through this ministry and hopefully He can use us to raise a few measly dollars to reach the hungry...both physically and spiritually of Austin!
- I hope you are having a great week! Choose joy....
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Wham Bam Thank you M'am!
It was a lot of fun to get together and shower her. She isn't finding out what she's having (thought she calls baby "Buddy" which gives us the false impression that it's a boy) so she got lots of useful things. You guys have heard me talk about Liz ("The Loj") forever so you know how important she is to me. It's so exciting to see her in this stage of life. I just can't wait to hold that sweet baby. Seeing my best friends as moms is a great joy. I am so, so blessed to be able to live close to them to share in their joy and to get to know these sweet babies and love on them.
I know you're all shocked, but my girlfriends and I did not throw this shower! I just got be a guest. But it was as cute as can be! I did take lots of pictures for the mom-to-be and I got lots of ideas for future showers!

My best friends...can you EVEN believe they have all had babies (outside of the Loj..obviously...) in the last 2-8 weeks? They look amazing!
Hope you all had a great weekend! Football, friends, weddings,'s all good!
Monday, September 13, 2010
"What Duncan Middle School Joined Together, Let No Man Separate!"
My feet and Mr. Bartlett's wallet! Because he threw one heck of a wedding and I danced the night away!
One of my best friends from high school, Leah, got married this weekend and we celebrated in style. I had so much fun and I know she did too! Leah is such a loyal, kind and fun friend and that was evident in the people that turned out to celebrate her and Andy. They are such a wonderful couple and I wish them a lifetime of happiness! It was an extreme honor to stand up in their wedding and to pray for them as they start their life as husband and wife. Leah was a stunning bride and I can't wait for her to get back from Italy so we can talk about her big day!
Here's a little glimpse from start to finish...

Ashley, the matron of honor and our partner in crime for all of our teenage antics treated us to mimosas in the bridal suite...

The blushing bride getting her hair done...

Ashley and I all dressed up and waiting for our marching orders...

So I decided to take some pictures....That was my bouquet (they were gorgeous!), Leah's programs, and the beautiful table in the lobby...

The beautiful centerpieces in the reception room...

Leah's gorgeous bridal of them is being sent into an international photo competition. It's stunning...maybe I can show it to you sometime!

The happy couple! Mr and Mrs!

During the toasts...I wanted you to be able to see her whole dress. Gorgeous!

The beautiful and delicious cake!

The first dance...

Leah, Ashley and I. I love that the card Leah gave me at the rehearsal dinner said, "What Duncan Middle School joined together, let no man separate!" Ha!

More table centerpieces...

Dave and I with the happy couple

He cleans up nice

Leah's dad had a cigar bar with imported cigars from the Dominican Republic. All of the guys were hyped!

Dave, picking out his cigar