Wednesday, March 28, 2012
Let the Celebrations Begin!

Monday, March 19, 2012
Mr. and Mrs...
I'd say it was a successful weekend!
On Thursday night the bachelorette was reminded of all of the frogs she had to kiss before she found her prince! She was so excited to wear her vest all night :) Then, she got some well wishes from her BFF Oprah.
She had been a very good girl so she got a special visit from Santa who had a bag full of lingerie! It was beyond hysterical.
The rehearsal dinner was so fun and Daniel's mom and her friends did an amazing job decorating! I love this picture of S&D...they were listening as their friends wished them a lifetime of love!
Me and the gorgeous bride!
Mr. Tripp...the ring bearer-photog! He was all over the place with the camera! I'm sure he got some great shots.
Mr. and Mrs. Enjoying their first dance as husband and wife...
The Grants and the Mendenhalls!
Kristen and me with mom
Kristen and me with Dad
It was such a fun weekend! Now it's back to the grind....y'all have a great week!
Monday, March 12, 2012
Operation Bridesmaid Dress...

Last year, I started running and I cut out about 300 calories a day and in a little less than 4 months I lost 20 lbs. I've gained back almost all of that. Some of it I contribute to hormones and emotions. Mostly, I contribute it to lack of self control and overindulgence.
Let's call a spade a spade.
So here we go kids. Operation Bridesmaid Dress has commenced. I have 9 weeks...and the promise of wedding cake at the end. Let's do it.
Friday, March 9, 2012
Fabulous Find Friday!
The temptation I haven't resisted is spring shopping. I'm in the mood for the shifting of the season and the shifting of the wardrobe and my lust list is ever growing! I took a peek at KateSpade.com and I'm in love with way to many things! Let's start with this tote that my husband won't let me get:
How about these adorable Sailor's Knot earrings? I would wear these every single day.
Everyone needs to refresh their favorite nighty. How cute, casual and comfy is this?

These Capri Blue candles are my all-time favorite. I love the way they smell and I triple love the way they burn. Such a romantic light! Go grab one at Anthro and pick up one of the Voluspa Candles in the cut glass jar (I love Bella Sucre) because they are a steal at $19!!
Tuesday, March 6, 2012
Lady Luck...
I didn't know that my first post about a guy wearing white Dickie's would turn into me spilling my guts about marriage, recipes, infertility and all of the joys and difficulty of life that lie in between. I never dreamed anyone other than my close friends and those making sure I'm not tarnishing the family name would ever read this. But somehow, here you are. And I'm appreciative.
Never would I have imagined that I would be receiving Christmas cards from Florida and Missouri from precious friends whom I have not yet met. This blogging community is weird....yes, we're kind of weird. People can't believe that we've managed real life friendships from Internet connections but it happens. And I'm grateful.
I've been open yet guarded about our fertility issues. You all are aware of our struggles but I haven't gone into great detail. But the Cliffs Notes version is that we have wanted and tried for a family for years. Our fertility struggles are great and we have had many doctor's appointments and treatments to try to help us achieve a family. We're prayerful, confident and therefor hopeful that God has planted a deep desire for a family in our hearts and He will show us how that desire is to be manifested. Whether we have our own children, adopt, or if there is a different plan altogether for Dave and me.
But through making our struggles known I have had several people email me encouragement. Some have been encouraging to me and some have asked questions. How did we know, when did we decide to seek help, what questions did we ask while balancing our faith and morals with treatment options, how has this strengthened/affected our marriage...you name it, I've been asked it. It's amazing to me how it all comes at just the right time...always. God has put people in my life as a prayer warrior, as a friend of encouragement, and as a shot of hope just when I need it.
Friday, I needed it. I got home from 7 days in Houston, rushed straight to a doctor's appointment and was praying for good news. I got home from all of that and had a package waiting for me. The return address was that of sweet Sara's....my blog friend (and talented photographer and soon to be mom...) from St. Louis. I opened the package to find this....
Tears fell as I read her words offering me "luck" and prayers as we continue this journey and try for our family. She is proof of blessings as she is a mommy-to-be and I can't wait to celebrate her little miracle. Sara, thank you for your kindness. What a blessing beyond measure! And thank you to each of you who have offered me hope, encouragement, a prayer, and just for stopping by this silly little blog!
My cup runneth over... XOXO
Monday, March 5, 2012
I'm back! And I'm OLD!
Happy March, friends!