I will say that a few college friends have written asking if I'm "ok" because it's been almost a month since I updated....so, I'm here to tell you I'm alive and shopping! And hanging on to my sanity by a thread. But in an attempt to update you, here is the (very, very) quick and dirty version:
My Nana had a birthday! There's a lot of family controversy over whether my mom looks like my nana or papa...
Then, it was back to Austin... I decorated for Christmas and had a little helper...
48 Hours was apparently too long to be home because I almost got something done. So then I went to San Francisco. It was so much fun! Great times with my mom, nana and my dad! We went to San Jose, Napa and San Francisco. It was fast and furious and gave me a taste of things to do if I get to go back!

In the same 24 hours as that last photo I made my way to Dallas to celebrate my sister's birthday and her being an overachiever. Dave and I had so much fun cheering her on as she ran her first 1/2 marathon! I am so proud of her for setting this goal for herself and crossing that finish line!
I also had the extreme joy (same 24 hours mind you...) of standing beside one of my best friends as her sweet baby girl was Baptised. Just over 4 years ago, I stood in the same church as Allison's maid of honor, as she promised to love, cherish and honor James as her husband. What a blessed day it was to stand there as Avery's Godmother as they promised to guide Avery in the way of the Lord and teach her of his love and sacrifice. And I promised to join them in teaching Avery of the love of Christ and the price he paid for her. It was a precious day.
24 hours later I rushed off to the land of beignets and crawfish, of which I had several of one and none of the other...I'll let you guess how the chips fell!
Several air miles and hotel points later, I am HOME for the holidays! And I promise to be a better blogger! PS...y'all don't even want to see my Google Reader right now. Overwhelmed...