Tuesday, January 22, 2013

We Can be Friends in Real Life!

Calling all Austin bloggers! Let's be friends in real life! Jenn, who blogs over at Perfectly Imperfect, has set up a blogger meet-up this Saturday. If you're interested leave a comment and let me know. I'll send you the details!

If you want to see the fun ladies that will be attending just head over to Jenn's blog and you can click through the blogs who have linked up. If you just so happen to be passing through Austin this weekend feel free to join us. We'd love to meet you and show you our fabulous city. 

Hope to see you Saturday!


Sar said...

I'll be there! Woot! Glorious to meet you, Tiffany!

Savanah said...

I'll be there! I'm coming from Houston! I've been reading your blog for a few years so I'm excited to meet you! :)

Unknown said...

Um can my best friend come? She technically has a blog but has been a little hesitant to start. She is awesome and new to Austin...

When I found your blog I kinda felt like it was God.I actually told her about you and almost sent you an email, but then I didn't cause that might be creepy.

I am sending her this link!